Wendi’s Tips offers articles, advice and resources on a variety of topics to fit many different interests. Experts world-wide share their knowledge on relationships, dating, divorce, fitness, well-being, health, career, finances, travel, parenting and more.
Wendi offers dating coaching sessions, online dating courses, podcasts and tips on how to lead a more fulfilling life. Recreation, travel and learning how to connect with others helps to achieve lifestyle well-being.
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Transforming your relationship goals into reality
Wendi Schuller is a dating coach. She draws upon her knowledge as a nurse, neuro-linguistic programmer (NLP), and hypnotherapist to provide a blueprint to guide people through dating situations, divorce and beyond. She is also dating consultant for all phases – how to meet individuals, get dates and maintain a relationship. If need be, she customizes a break up plan. Her dating podcasts are on datingcoach.coach.
Wendi Schuller is a divorce coach and a consultant in that field. Her latest book is The Global Guide to Divorce and she has over 200 published articles. She is a guest on radio shows in the UK and US. She is an international speaker. Schuller worked in the public schools and observed firsthand the effects of divorce on children. Her aim is to have families experience a smoother divorce, keeping their sanity intact and obtaining the healthiest outcome possible. She counseled single parents trying to get back into the dating scene.
Contact Wendi today to schedule your coaching session, or to find out more!

Wendi's other projects
Wendi Schuller’s passion is international travel and learning about other cultures. She writes a book series for children. Jack Jack The Jungle Cat, with soon to be published: Jack Jack The Cat And The Yellowstone Adventure and Jack Jack The Cat Loose In London. She wants her children’s books to enlighten people about wildlife and their habitats. Learn more HERE. View a new video trailer about Jack Jack the Cat Loose in London HERE
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