Helping Local Charities when Traveling
When you travel abroad, think about helping local charities. If you know that you are visiting a school or orphanage, bring school supplies. Our nurses’ group brought supplies when visiting a school in a township in South Africa. We didn’t know to bring easy reader books in English, so I sent a shipment of paperback ones to them , after returning home. When I went to poorer places, I brought some common antibiotics, etc ( from pharmacutical rep.s, which I used to know) and gave them to clinics. In Burma, the guide asked if I had any pediatric medication that I didn’t use for my two kids on the trip, so he could pass them along to a doctor friend who worked in the local pediatric clinic. The last day, I gave him kids’ tylenol, etc.
A great web site is http://www.stuffmyrucksack.com/, which has a global map, and you click on it where you are going. For example, I clicked on Indonesia and a local charity in Denpasar, Bali ( same area as the international airport) was recommended. The web site states what they particularly need. This charity’s requests included body wash, pillow cases and diapers. Some items are so easy to pack and one could pick up pillow cases and children’s clothes, cheaply at your charity shop. You are invited to put down a local charity that you found when traveling, upon your return. Be sure to get specific information, such as address, phone#, directions from the airport, etc.
Just think of the positive message that you will give your children, as you go to clinics, school, etc, when abroad. It lets them realize that traveling isn’t just about yourself. Enjoy your adventures, while helping others!
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