Adopt a class before your vacation
Talk to a teacher and bring back a local craft/bookmark for each student. The kids will learn a little bit about a new corner of the world. When I went to Vietnam, I found a small set containing a wooden girl and boy, dressed in the native outfits, for $1.50 each. That way the gift could be given to either gender. Colorful bookmarks with local scenes would also be inexpensive. The teacher showed the first grade students where Vietnam is on a globe and map. They briefly discussed a little bit about the country and food. It was fun for me to find these treasures and the kids really liked them and learning about a different country Key chains, pencils, pens or small local crafts would inspire children to want to know more about kids around the globe. Perhaps you could find a small booklet about your travel destination, for school kids amidst these budget cuts for education.
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