Safety tips for subways etc
Recently a robbery happened to the man behind me in a subway station in South America. It could have taken place anywhere. Be mindful of your surroundings, including “sleeping” homeless people on the floor. The big saftey tip is to particularly watch your wallet/ purse when you are going towards the train, BUT there is a nearby exit. The man entered as we did, and someone behind him grabbed his wallet and ran up the exit steps to the street. He yelled and I gestured to the policeman to follow them up the stairs.
This robbery occured at a small station, so we walked the extra 15 minutes to use a busy, large station after that robbery. Skip the smaller, less peopled subway stations when possible.
There are videos from the London underground stations, where would be thieves carry around empty plastic carrier bags. What the theives do, is to shield the pickpocket area from passersby with the plastic bag. Then no commuters see a billfold being lifted from a pocket or a handbad being opened and some contents purloined.
My older son kept his hand in his pocket, over his wallet which may have saved him from being the robbery victim. Even though there is safety in numbers, be vigilent of your surroundings.
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