

Check out Wendi's Book HERE


This list contains resources on many topics: divorce, parenting, finances, health, mental health including addictions, plus much more. Links to getting help for many areas in life.

PTSD from  divorceThe Divorce Magazine - Because https://www.custodyxchange.com/divorce is truly but a life journey, a challenging and painful one, but a journey nonetheless. And This too Shall Pass. Articles by professionals on every aspect of divorce: legal process, co-parenting, dating, travel, moving on, finances and so much more. - United Kingdom and Global

DivorceForce  Affected by Divorce? Join DivorceForce online community committed to empowering those affected by divorce.

Dads' Divorce - Support fathers in family law, child custody and divorce.

Men's Divorce - Resources, articles and a forum particularly for divorcing men.

DivorcedMoms - Join an online community of moms who understand divorce. A place to share experiences and stories. We offer encouragement, inspiration, resources and expert advice.

The Lilac Tree:  Resources for Divorcing Women including workshops located at:

Visions Anew provides workshops and classes for those facing divorce Contact Information:

Unresolved addiction issues can destroy a relationship and lead to divorce

The questions that many of us have in Divorce

How to run a small business during divorce

Single Process of going from We to Me with divorce. A great web site with tips on how to get back into the single lifestyle post-divorce.

Divorce Care is a global organization which has weekly meeting with a video and discussion on divorce topics. People learn practical tips. Some locations have Divorce Care for Kids.

Restored Lives - The Restored Lives course supports and empowers people to move forward from divorce and separation, or the breakdown of any serious relationship, to live a full life, free from past issues.

Divorce Recovery Workshops (DRW) have six week courses on a variety of topics related to divorce and moving on in life. They have weekend retreats in country hotels.

Probability of marriage success of the top 20 US cities by their population & rank them according to a few criteria. - Interesting divorce statistics.

Custody X Exchange has a free app to arrange a calendar for shared time, and useful assistance for setting up custody using various percentages for shared time   https://www.custodyxchange.com/

A resource that provides tips on navigating child custody during a crisis and how parents can plan accordingly

A guide to parallel parenting, which is designed for divorced parents that can't or don't want to engage in face-to-face contact because of ongoing conflict. - It involves efficient planning around drop-offs, pick-ups and other engagements to ensure the parents will have limited communication.

Only Mums helps mothers and Only Dads helps fathers who are going through divorce and separation. - Articles and resources

List of divorce resources covering each stage

The guide contains information on the nature of addiction, child custody issues and solutions, financial support guidance, and the roles of addiction experts and child custody evaluators when divorcing an alcoholic 

LegalFinders works to help you locate the best lawyers near you

How to ease the moving out process into a condoCondo Moving Checklist

Comprehensive guide on dating violence against women

Reape-Rickett Law Firm - Has over 300 articles on divorce

Divorce Preparation Checklist

5 tips to avoid a long, expensive divorce

Consumer Affairs gives the tools singles need to make an informed decision when choosing the best online dating site. With an estimated 1,000 online dating sites in existence, specific information on them with consumer ratings is helpful.

Link that explains legal terms  http://pinningtonlaw.co.uk/glossary/   and this one gives helpful legal advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-rights/

This guide gives the basics of planning an estate: guiding you through laws, tax consequences, wills, trusts, probate, estate administration, as well providing estate planning help

Fixing Marital Problems - Marriage Problems? Here's an 8-Step Rescue Plan   

Post-Divorce - Life After Divorce - Advice on How to Cope and Move OnThe Single Parent's Guide to Buying a Home: Assistants, Grants and Home OwnershipSingle Parenting: Keep Your Single-Parent Family Financially Fit

Legal Contracts and Non-Disclosure Agreements explained

Causes of Birth Injuries

Legal resource for mariners and military regarding rights and compensation  

PTSD from  divorce  


World’s largest marriage resource, to support marriages.  Has dating advice, legal guidance and more

Catphishing occurs when someone creates a fake identity online to exploit individuals they connect with on dating sites, usually by manipulating them for financial gain.Click here on how to avoid this.

Onelove educates young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships, empowering them to identify and avoid abuse and learn how to love better.

The Relate charity helps people to learn how to strengthen their relationships. They provide support and counselling.

The OnePlusOne digital resources and information will help to improve the quality of your relationship.

It's over. You're not. Informative articles in:  Splitsville NYC

"24 Tips for Dorm Living"article covering the basic rules of establishing a friendly relationship with roommates.

Dating Coach Wendi Schuller on why we seek attention in relationships.


Resources that can help you get through divorce and navigate the world of single parenting

Guide to help couples going through a divorce with their finances 

A detailed compilation of discounts, free products, learning opportunities, and assistance programs for single mothers or fathers in the United States - The Dealhack Single Parent Savings 

Supportive tools and financial resources to help single parents buy a new house

Numerous financial scams can make you a victim of identity theft and substantial monetary loss, plus also affect your credit

Tools and Tips for Young People to Protect Their Finances Online

Math and Accounting Activities for Kids. Math is the study of numbers. Accounting is the practice of managing money  

This guide explains the signs of financial abuse, how to get help and tips to build financial literacy and healthy habits to protect yourself 

Our guide offers advice on five ways to cope with financial stress,and create a plan to reduce debt  

This resource helps financially struggling single mothers with finding grants and government assistance programs 

A comprehensive guide lists out resources that can act as a good starting point for financial assistance, from federal grants to housing to childcare help

A comprehensive guide to getting research funding and for finding grant opportunities

A guide to sustainable investing to help save the environment and promote climate change 

A list of financial aid opportunities for UK minority students    

Handling finances after the passing of a loved one can be chaotic. Knowing what to look for — e.g. gathering the right documents,  whom to contact, and understanding different terms —  makes it easier

How to Live on a Low Income

Estate planning

The Single Parent’s Guide to Buying a Home: Assistance, Grants, and Homeownership  -  How to Get Through a Divorce Financially  -  Child Support Handbook: Collecting Support

This site helps financially struggling single mothers with finding grants and government assistance programs   

A financial guide for single parents that covers government and tax benefits, planning for your child's financial future, and more. 

This comprehensive guide shares programs and resources available to single-parents, as well as actionable tips they can use to help make homeownership a reality

Practical advice for closing on a house

Cryptocurrency is decentralized, and can be used without traditional financial institutions Cryptocurrency 101 explains this new digital financial monetary system

An easy to understand  financial guide written for children themselves

Unit Converter: An online  converter covering a multitude of areas

Infographic describing various scams directed at college students and the ways to prevent being scammed  

Scholarships for Psychology Majors

More than 12 different scholarships and grants for African American students

Scholarships for those with health conditions, health insurance facts, and tips to succeed while managing a chronic condition

Native American Grants

This guide and infographic helps to decide whether to live on or off-campus

15 different scholarships and grants for Native American students 

Helps financially disadvantaged Native American families with finding grants to pay bills    

Our Student Scholarship Awards from Study.com were designed to help students ease the financial burden Study.com College Scholarship for High School Seniors Computer Science Scholarship from Study.com Biology Scholarship from Study.com Study.com Scholarship for Economics Majors Math Scholarship from Study.com Study.com Scholarship for Accounting Majors

Annuity.org   Our organization prides itself on having the most accurate information on annuities and structured settlements.  Article addresses: Will the contract be divided or transferred into new annuities? Can they be exchanged for something of equal value? Do state laws or terms within the contract prohibit dividing the annuity?

Singe Mother Grants:  Financial assistance programs that help single mothers with rent, utility bills, child care, education, medication, housing, medical bills, and mortgage, among others.

Free grants and financial assistance programs that help women 

Website which helps ex felons with finding free grants for housing, rent, utility bills, medical bills,
college and medications

Credit card for travel from US News & World Report

Fraud costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year at every level of government. Whistleblowers may be eligible for a reward    

Saving Money On Auto Insurance During The COVID-19 Outbreak and in general   

Tips on how to avoid mistakes with an auto loan


Data driven report exploring the impact of U.S educational debt and how costs and repayments compare around the world


Helpful Parent Links and Resources

Discover the signs to look for and what steps you can take to help a child recover from a traumatic event.

How to Calm a Child with Autism    

Create a Sensory Safe Yard for Children with Special Needs

Sensory Processing Treatments

Estate Planning for Parents of Kids with Autism

Classroom Accommodations for Kids with Sensory Issues

Addiction Resources for Parents

Addiction & Mental Health Resources for Students

7 Signs your child might have a vision problem

Within Health published a guide on Eating Disorders and Children including signs and symptoms 

How to travel by aeroplane with your newborn

Resources and Support for Students with Challenges at Home

14 Ways to reduce anxiety in children

How adults can talk to their children regarding a family member or friend having cancer

Different types of parenting styles and their effects on children

A child safety guide that covers topics like school and bullying safety, household and product safety, and many more

Top 25 Gadgets You Need to Study Smarter

This guide shows how to make your garage or workshop as safe as possible for kids and pets

This guide covers what parents and local community planners need to know so their playgrounds and backyard play sets are safe and  fully accessible

An updated guide on ways to keep kids safe while using the internet

Healthy Digital Citizens: Helping Kids Stay Active & Safe in the Internet Age

A guide for parents to help their children navigate the internet safely.

An online safety guide for kids

A social media safety guide for parents to help inform their children how to be aware of the dangers of social media and the internet.

The dangers of social media, and how to spot and treat possible problems. It is genuinely a crisis right now       https://drugrehabus.org/social-media-addiction-and-suicide/    Surgeon General's warning about social media

Too much screen time can interfere with social skills and development, as well as stifle creative thinking and change a child’s behavior. Tips for setting restrictions.

Safe cell phone usage for children

How to keep your child safe on their smartphone

This guide has tips on phone safety, streaming content, gaming and other online activities for kids

Parental controls: Keeping your child safe when watching TV

An article which identifies harassment and provide resources and methods to maintain safety over the internet for women and girls

Our latest resource on how to keep children safe online

An online safety guide for kids  

Social media safety, digital citizenship, cyber bullying prevention, online scams, phishing schemes and more   https://www.surveillance-video.com/blog/internet-and-social-media-safety-and-security.html/

A comprehensive guide to internet safety for non-techy parents/carers,  covering the dangers of the internet,  and how to use parental controls 

Prevention and Solutions to Cyber Bullying, including signs your child may be a victim 

A guide  ensuring children's digital privacy, which can profoundly impact protecting their physical and mental well-being.


Several anti-cyberbullying resources: 
How Parents Help Prevent Cyberbullying, 15 Ways Parents Can Help Prevent Cyberbullying, 10 Ways Parents Can Prevent Cyberbullying

The Stop Cyberbullying Guide – packed full of information and stats to put an end to cyberbullying 

An article on cybersecurity which explains common digital threats students may face and provides online safety tips   

How to identify the main types of  cybersecurity threats which students encounter, and learn how to protect oneself from them

How to keep your phone safe and reduce cybersecurity risks such as hacking

Complete guide for understanding bullying in the modern age, including risks, statistics. various types and how to end it

A guide for parents on how to deal with cyberbullying

A resource on bullying awareness, prevention and to raise awareness of bullying among youth 

A guide to internet safety for parents including bringing awareness regarding in-game chat rooms

Project iGuardian aims to counter a disturbing fact: many online child predators can find victims online because children are not always aware of how dangerous online environments can be.

An overview which covers the importance of early screenings for adolescents

It is crucial to teach children about the significance of an eco-friendly lifestyle and recycling as early as possible

Common Sense is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century

A useful guide with many different tips about internet safety for parents and their children.

This guide is jam packed with stats and practical advice about screen addiction, cyber bullying, self esteem and more 

An informative guide on bullying awareness and prevention

New internet safety guide to keep children safe, as censorship can be lacking

Detective Cronister, Dr. Nir Kshetri and Cybersecurity Expert Casey Crane created a resource that teaches  parents, teachers, and children how to stay safe online  

A guide for online safety which covers topics such as radicalisation, blackmail, and how strangers make contact with your child online 

Parental guide for internet safety, including social media sites and YouTube  

A practical guide for parents in keeping their teens safe online, and provides helpful advice in using apps such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter and Whatsapp

Two resources to keep kids safe online  

Each section of this guide about  online safety for kids is summarized with actionable items for the parent/teacher 

17 Rules to protect kids online – Internet safety for children 

Children are spending more time online, and there are risks by allowing them unsupervised time on the internet

This guide describes why digital literacy is so important for kids and what parents should do to reduce the possible risks

A guide to equip children with skills so they can experience the internet positively and safely do searches

Adolescents are at major risk for obesity, gender issues, drug abuse and risky sexual behaviors. Screening resources to zero in on the most important issues and make sure those are treated first.

This guide details the parental guides for television, movies, and video games, what the differences in ratings mean, what parents can expect from media within these ratings 

Parents' sleep health resource guide for helping children get better sleep

This guide features information on how to deal with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), adolescent behavior problems, ADHD, and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) 

An educational resource which bring light to the many things one must consider before, during, and after a move. This article is about helping children   

Sleep Calculator for Kids makes it easy for parents to calculate the best sleep/wake times for children with tips to facilitate bedtime routines and promote sleep hygiene

A guide on how adults can talk to their children regarding a family member or friend having cancer  

This guide includes information on symptoms of eye strain, statistics of computer use of children and teens and solutions to prevent digital eye strain in children and teens

Helping Your Toddler with Separation Anxiety    Helping Your Aspergers Teen Cope with Life    Preparing for the Death of a Terminally-Ill Loved One: What to Expect, and How to Help the Entire Family Move Forward: Considerations for Your Child    patricia@publichealthcorps.org - publichealthcorps.org

Teaching children on the autism spectrum how to take medication  

A guide on autism tech safety while using the internet.  Those with ASD are more susceptible to threats like cyberbullying, scams, and internet addiction

A useful guide for people with ASD using the internet

An extensive guide on Designing the Perfect Home Playroom for Children with Autism

A resource guide for STEM students with autism

Information on how libraries can create more autism-friendly environments  

On divorce:  Minding the Kids in Divorce: Minimizing the Mental Health Impact  Divorce Guide for Teens A Teen Guide to Divorce  What Should We Tell the Children? Developing a Mutual Story of the Divorce  Talking to Your Kids About Losing Your Home: 4 Mistakes to Avoid     

Other topics:   Mental Illness in Children: Signs, Types, & Causes     Coping with a Child’s Illness While You’re in Recovery: Learn Coping Methods While Going Through This Difficult Time  How to Create an Autism-Friendly Environment for Kids     Learn to be Happy and Fit  http://learnfit.org/

An in-depth visual guide about protecting children on their smartphone and offers parents advice on ‘Safe Smartphone Use for their children

Guide on how Childhood Trauma Influences Drug Addiction

Resources for parents:   The Essential Teen Internet Safety Guide   6 Ways to Cope While Raising Kids and Caring for Elderly Parents   How to Spend More Quality Time With Your Child  Preventing Wandering in Children with Autism: Resources for Parents and First Responders     

Video game addiction can directly lead to mental health issues

The guide maps out dangerous areas in a home for children and tells how to make them safer 

Consumer math for children is fun math relating to money and business  

A Parent's Guide to Choosing the Best Sports Gear for Kids

Tips for a healthy relationship with food and exercise for Freshmen

How to Avoid Politics Chat To Avoid Lifelong Family Rifts  https://www.coololdgames.com/experts-reveal-family-dispute-causes/


Sun & Water Safety: Keeping Your Kids Safe on a Family Holiday   

Helping Your Firstborn Adjust to New Siblings   10 Ways Parents Can Help Children Adjust to High School  One Man’s Trash: Safety   Preventing Parent Burn Out  Choosing a Preschool: Simple Tips for Parents  Single Parenting After Losing a Partner to Suicide

The Parent’s Guide to Creating a Baby-Safe Home Interior  ADHD in Toddlers: Early Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment  Keep Kids Safe from TV Tipovers  A Parent’s Guide to Building a Safe and Fun Backyard Playground  Childproofing Your Home for a Child with Vision Impairment Does My Teen Need Treatment?

Autism:    Guide to Better Sleep for Kids with Autism     Accommodations for Students with Autism

Autism Resource Center     Creating an Autism Friendly Home   Autism and Travel

Digital Resources for Students with Autism    

Studies have shown that those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are more susceptible to online threats than others, this is a helpful guide for internet safety for those with ASD.

Guide covering Autism and Mood Disorders, such as Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, and Depression. Treatment and advice for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Autism Mood Disorders, Aspergers Symptoms and SignsAutism and Anxiety, Autism in Adults

How libraries can create more autism-friendly environments.  

Children Cope with Divorce - Great resource for co-parenting

Guide for how social media and internet use can put a child's identity at risk while traveling and precautions to take.

Guide to internet safety for non-techy parents who are concerned about how to keep their kids safe when online.

How to Work from Home Efficiently with Kids      Tips For Creating a Home Office in a Small Space  Resource Roundup: Free Educational Resources for Pre-K, K-12, College, and Continuing Education Students      Pro Tips From Homeschoolers     Storm Spotting for Children: At-Home Meteorology    Easy Chemistry Experiments to Do at Home

Helping Kids in Traumatic Experiences

Allconnect.com State-by-state guide to check if children are protected online at libraries and schools. Tips for at home.

Child identity theft is on the rise, how parents can monitor their child’s credit report   news/how-check-childs-credit-  Risks of identity theft, how to check a minor's credit report, and then what to do if there is evidence of identity theft How Do You Check your Child's Credit Report https://lendedu.com

An in-depth guide on how kids can stay healthy and hygienic in and around swimming pools

The benefits developing a growth mindset can have on your academic success, job performance, mental health, relationships, etc.  

Grammar Check: Quality results using Artificial Intelligence Technology

A Parent's Guide to Choosing the Best Sports Gear for Kids

Tips for a healthy relationship with food and exercise for Freshmen



https://www.mattressclarity.com/sleep-resources/nutrition/how-alcohol-impacts-sleep/ork-Life Balance: A Guide to Surviving the Stress   http://groomandstyle.com/work-life-balance/

Sleep Deprivation:  Causes, Symptoms, Effects and Treatment   https://www.tuftandneedle.com/resources/sleep-deprivation-effects/

What You Need To Know About Insomnia: symptoms, causes, treatments and prevention https://healthmatch.io/insomnia

Mental health and sleep guide which provides tips and advice  on how to get a better night's rest  https://www.mattressnerd.com/mental-health/

A recently updated and expert verified resource on alcohol and sleep    https://www.mattressclarity.com/sleep-resources/nutrition/how-alcohol-impacts-sleep/

Getting over grief. Understanding its stages and how to heal  https://www.cnvdetox.com/understanding-grief/

IHow to have better sleep habits and quality sleep  https://weightedjournal.com/sleep-help-asd-resource/

How to reduce stress   https://healthgrinder.com/ways-to-reduce-stress/  and helpful resource for health  https://healthgrinder.com

Positive Thinking and How to Practice it is about positive thinking, its advantages, and methods of practice     :https://ivypanda.com/blog/positive-thinking-and-how-to-practice-it-infographics/

How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, and Depression   How to Start Art Journaling and Manage Stress   Art and Mental Health: Benefits and Examples

50 ways forest and outdoor learning experiences benefit child developmenthttps://www.forestholidays.co.uk/outdoor-education-and-child-development-guide/

How to deal with loneliness: 11 key coping strategies   https://www.fingerprintforsuccess.com/blog/how-to-deal-with-loneliness

Why me time is so important & how to get some  https://ivypanda.com/blog/make-time-for-me-time-who-needs-it-how-to-spend-it/ 

For women in  early stages of  parenthood, particularly when experiencing postpartum effects  https://www.sarahmessmd.com/blog/post-partum-care/

The benefits of minimalism for students and the ways of adopting a minimalist lifestyle step by step   https://ivypanda.com/blog/minimalism-for-students/ 

An article explaining the most crucial advantages of having a study buddy   https://ivypanda.com/blog/studying-with-friends/

Why we get information overload, the dangers of information overload, and the best tips on how to fight it   https://ivypanda.com/blog/information-overload-101/

Beating Burnout: An Online Survival Guide for College Students - https://www.edumed.org/resources/college-student-burnout-survival/

First Aid Kit for College Students- a guide for treating minor injuries or ailments    https://custom-writing.org/blog/first-aid-kit-for-college-students-the-complete-guide 

An article on nootropics with a list of supplements which will increase concentration and mental alertness      https://ivypanda.com/blog/should-i-take-nootropics/

A comprehensive infographic with several reasons why you should think of finding a study buddy or a study group    https://ivypanda.com/blog/studying-with-friends/

Extracurricular Activities & Why You Need Them for College   https://ivypanda.com/blog/extracurricular-activities/

The importance of Aromatherapy and how it reduces stress   https://www.perfume.com/article-guide-to-aromatherapy-and-fragrance-for-stress-relief.

20+ of the best exercises for new and expecting mothers to stay in shape, Including a printable exercise tracker https://havenlife.com/blog/exercises-pregnant-womenwhich can-and-postpartum/

Addiction to exercise is a chronic mental illness  which can cause relationship issues, job loss, poor self-esteem, and poor overall health   https://withinhealth.com/learn/exercise-addiction

New Mouth was created to keep the public educated about current dental care practices, oral health basics, and how to find the best treatment possible  https://www.newmouth.com/blog/full-mouth-implants-cost/

In-depth guidebook for members of the healthcare community which includes a compassion fatigue self-assessment, how to develop a self-care plan, and how to avoid secondary traumatic stress https://www.edumed.org/resources/compassion-fatigue-online-guide/

Millennial's and others who want to live happier, more productive lives  Adulting 101: Millennial Life Skills Classes

Tips on success and reaching goals  https://www.creditdonkey.com/daily-success.html

Tactics and success strategies which  can be be used in different negotiation situations (with family/friends; in the workplace, at school/university, etc.)    https://custom-writing.org/blog/negotiation-skills-explained-tips-success-strategies

A resource for information on sexual health. This is one of many health topics covered on the web site    https://www.everlywell.com/blog/sti-testing/sexual-health-myths/

A guide to Fitness Walking for Weight Loss    https://fittylife.com/fitness-walking-for-weight-loss/

A family fitness guide  to make fitness more accessible to everyone  garagegymreviews.com/family-fitness

How to stop snoring   https://www.mattressinsider.com/blog/how-to-stop-snoring/

Exercise Calculator - A helpful Tool That Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals Faster https://fitnessvolt.com/30723/calories-burned-by-exercises/

Step-by-step guide for de cluttering and how that improves one's physical and mental health  globalguidetodivorce.com/de-cluttering-during-divorce-or-downsizing/

More than one third of Americans are 'underslept' - putting them at increased risk of viral infection, heart disease, obesity,  depression and countless other ailments. Insufficient sleep increases mortality risk from any cause by roughly 15%.   https://www.bestmattress-brand.org/importance-of-sleep/

How to boost emotional wellness, which impacts every aspect of one's life. https://definingwellness.com/resources/what-is-emotional-wellness/

Articles on emotional health and being your best  https://www.selfdevelopmentsecrets.com/

47+ Best Motivational Quotes Ever to Equip You with the Drive to Succeed    https://www.allhappyquotes.com/best-motivational-quotes/

 This guide details who is looking at social media profiles, social media best practices for professionals, and how to use social media in college.  https://online.maryville.edu/blog/student-guide-to-social-media/

How to build your own workout routine - advice from a two-time Olympian  https://www.jenreviews.com/workout-routines/

Health and beauty tips at Balance Me Beautiful  http://www.balancemebeautiful.com/ 

Healthy and sustainable skin care routine  https://www.cocokind.com/pages/moms-sustainable-skincare

A guide to help the Transgender Community understand skin health issues and how to address them correctly   https://thedermreview.com/transgender-skin-care-guide/

Information on how to select best prescription eye glasses for you  https://www.allaboutvision.com/eyeglasses/

A recently updated and expert verified resource on alcohol and sleep    https://www.mattressclarity.com/sleep-resources/nutrition/how-alcohol-impacts-sleep/


This link leads to many other links on specific aspects of depression. Great resource https://www.wristband.com/content/guide-to-depression-awarness 

Mental health podcasts serve patients, students and clinical mental health counselors, interested in learning more about the field  https://www.bestcounselingdegrees.net/resources/mental-health-podcasts/

This guide covers  mental health basics for teens,  lists resources, plus information on symptoms and causes  https://www.goodrx.com/womens-health/mental-health-guide-for-teens

Mental Health Services and Resources providing educational information for helping students navigate through high school and college  https://universityhq.org/resources/students-mental-health/

This article outlines mental health issues which college students are facing, identifying symptoms, and has a list of resources   https://www.perlego.com/knowledge/info/college-mental-health-resources/

In depth information for anyone globally  Diagnosing Depression - Your Guide to Depression & Mental Health in the UK   https://www.insurancewith.com/depression-guide/

Comprehensive Overview of Mental Health Disorders    https://www.cprcertified.com/comprehensive-overview-of-mental-health-disorders

A common mental health problem among students and young adults – post-graduation depression  https://ivypanda.com/blog/what-is-post-graduation-depression-causes-symptoms-methods-of-coping/      https://ivypanda.com/blog/8-practical-tips-to-stop-being-insecure/

Strategies to help college students identify when they or a peer may be suffering from depression and for managing it or where to get help   https://www.degreechoices.com/blog/depression-at-college/

Resource for Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health    Therapy & RPGs: How Tabletop Role-Playing Games Benefit Our Mental Health

Information regarding Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD, the signs and symptoms to be aware of, and the mental health treatment options available   https://www.choosingtherapy.com/borderline-personality-disorder/

Recognizing and Addressing Depression Presenting as Anger”: https://www.onlinemswprograms.com/resources/social-issues/addressing-depression-presenting-as-anger/.

Positive affirmations (statements) can be used to counter negative perceptions and bolster confidence in one's abilities.  A resource of affirmations especially for those dealing with depression https://www.e-counseling.com/depression/positive-affirmations-for-depression/

Black women are more likely to report feeling sad, lonely, and anxious,plus  are less likely to seek mental health support than white women   https://www.bestcolleges.com/blog/black-womens-mental-health/

Loneliness as a major public health crisis in America  A Guide for Addressing the Loneliness Epidemic     A  guide with helpful mental health and substance use resources  https://thesummitwellnessgroup.com/

Tips for a more relaxed, gentle way of navigating the trials and tribulations of life  https://www.fingerprintforsuccess.com/blog/how-to-calm-anxiety

A comprehensive list of resources and information about and/or help for a range of mental health issues  https://socialworklicensemap.com/social-work-resources/mental-health-resources-list/

A platform to provide people across the nation with access and guides regarding mental health and substance abuse resources within their own community   https://www.rehab.com

A new guide highlighting the difference between mental illness and autism.  https://www.arrowpassage.com/mental-illness-vs-autism/

Mental Health Resources for Parents guide will be useful for everyoneneed help starting the conversation. In addition the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health is real, I found the info here quite educational.

60% of college students report anxiety as the worst health problem they face. Guide for college on how to deal with anxiety  https://buckeyerecoverynetwork.com/college-anxiety-guide/

“Money & Mental Health - Practical Financial Skills to Manage Money”

Specialized treatment for disorders such as depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, personality disorders, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder  https://montarebehavioralhealth.com/#

36 Potential uses of CBD and CBD oil   https://www.herbonaut.com/cbd-oil-guide/

A guide to Fast Facts and Statistics on  Mental Illness  https://www.arrowpassage.com/mental-illness-facts/

Self-test and article which explains the different types of depression and includes resources https://www.cnvdetox.com/depression-self-test/

Good resources for mental health and well-being:  https://bumblebeelinens.com/blog/embroidery-for-mental-health/     https://www.artshedonline.com.au/blog/is-art-a-medium-to-portray-your-inner-feelings/Art-Shed-Art-Supplies    

Recall Report is an online resource with information on mental health and other health issues. Topics include  addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, depression/anxiety, recovery and rehabilitation.  https://www.recallreport.org/health-information/conditions/

Resources for those facing depression:      https://www.rover.com/blog/service-dogs-depression-anxiety/

Some people are turning to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with the impact of the Coronavirus, including for loneliness  https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/drug-addiction/news/covid-19-substance-use-map/       https://www.southjerseyrecovery.com/friends-family/

A comprehensive research/evidence based guide on Home Modifications for Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder  www.rentdeals.com/blog/best-home-modifications-for-autism-and-sensory-processing-disorder/

How body image affects mental healthincluding eating disorders https://tapestrync.com/treatment/mental-health-treatment/body-image/

For Teens: Am I Depressed or is It Just a Phase?

Internal and external stressors can lead to serious mental health issues, including suicidal ideation  for LGBTQ+ young adults   https://www.legacyhealing.com/lgbtq-young-adults/

Resources and links for mental health and depression  5 Signs of Common Mental Health Conditions

Detailed resource with valuable information on mental health support, co-occurring disorders, and treatment options  https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/mental-health/

Depression in Teens: The Warning Signs and How to Help Them Through    How Can I Get Help for Depression  The Isolating Loneliness of Chronic Pain & Invisible Illness   The Guide to Managing PTSD As A Tradesman

Links to articles about mental illness, including understanding it and supporting a family member through it Talking to Others About Your Mental Illness  7 Ways to Deal with People Who Don’t Understand Depression  A

Mental health Foundation  Dedicated to finding and addressing the sources of mental health problems. www.mentalhealth.org.uk

Beyond Blue  Excellent online help and advice for those facing depression and anxiety. Has separate sections for men, women, kids, seniors, etc.  https://www.beyondblue.org.au/

The silence — that’s the worst part of mental illness. These articles are helpful. 10 Forgotten Truths to Help You Get Through Hard Times   Time To Talk: Tips For Talking About Your Mental Health  When returning from military duty Here’s What You Need to Know About Reintegration   http://spiritfinder.org/   

Practical info on mental health resources for the US Hispanic population. Spanish:    https://www.helpadvisor.com/conditions/salud-mental-de-los-hispanos     English:   https://www.helpadvisor.com/conditions/latino-mental-health

How to give support to help first responders  and emergency personnel deal with  their own trauma https://counseling.northwestern.edu/blog/first-responders-suicide-help/

New guide on college and nursing students’ mental health   including support and resources for students.

Rehab Center for Mental health in Florida   https://www.ambrosiatc.com/treatment/mental-health/



First City Recovery Center

Magnolia City Detox

Discovery NJ

449 Recovery

Bayview Recovery Center

Spero Recovery

AddictionResource.com, who raises awareness on the dangers of addiction and helps local communities stay
drug-free (https://addictionresource.com/),

This new guide details how Good Samaritan laws can significantly reduce overdose issues and save the lives of people everywhere   https://stagesrecoverycenters.com/good-samaritan-laws/

Alcohol Addiction Guide:  https://alcoholaddictioncenter.org/

Alcohol Rehab Help is an informational web guide created for people struggling with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and co-occurring mental health disordershttps://alcoholrehabhelp.org/   https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/treatment/

This resource details the effects that drugs and drug-addicted parents can have on children.  https://www.toprehabs.com/drug-effects-on-children/

Free helpline in UK called “Addiction Helper”    https://www.addictionhe:

Parents' Guide to Fentanyl  https://www.addicted.org/supe/fentanyl/parents-guide-to-fentanyl/     Protecting children from online drug dealers  https://www.addicted.org/supe/parents/protecting-children-from-online-drug-dealers/

Drug Rehab USA created a free rehab directory that uses location technology to display addiction treatment near you.  https://drugrehabus.org/

Over 100,000 healthcare professionals struggle with substance abuse or addiction every day.  Substance Abuse Help for Healthcare Students and Professionals   https://www.edumed.org/resources/substance-abuse-online-help-guide/

Crucial to understand each of the four stages of alcoholism and the long-term health risks  https://www.addictionresource.net/alcohol/four-stages-alcoholism/       Resources and support for those who are struggling with alcoholism    https://www.addictionresource.net/alcohol/stop-drinking/

Effective chronic pain relief treatments which include holistic therapies, to curb the opioid epidemic  https://www.amhealth.com/curb-the-opioid-pidemic/

Addiction Resource for Parents and our How to Build a Sober Support Network Guide  https://www.bluecrestrc.com/addiction-resources-for-parents/     https://www.bluecrestrc.com/how-to-build-a-sober-support-network/

Information for parents of addicts, providing support and  guidance   https://freebythesea.com/addiction-resources/parents-of-addicts/

How parents can  be aware of warning signs which indicate the need for teen treatment at a rehab facility  https://www.northernillinoisrecovery.com/when-to-seek-treatment-for-your-teen/ 

A web site which provides up-to-date, accurate, and evidence-based information related to addiction, substance abuse, mental health, and treatment  https://www.addictionresource.net/how-we-choose/  https://www.addictionresource.net/

Guides to in’s and out’s of substance abuse which can help addicts to heal over time. In South Carolina  https://owlsnestrecovery.com     https://addiction-treatment-services.com/blog/    https://northjerseyrecovery.com/resources/     https://northjerseyrehabs.com/

Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases. Medical professionals review every fact-based piece of content published to our site. https://www.addictiongroup.org/alcohol/addiction/causes/https://www.addictiongroup.org/alcohol/addiction/types-of-alcoholics/

Additional addiction support / recovery support resources   https://www.addictiongroup.org/blog/how-to-sober-up     https://www.addictiongroup.org/resources/faq/daughters-of-alcoholic-mothers/

Information on individual drugs and their effects https://www.detoxlocal.com/resources/periodic-table-drug-addiction/   https://www.opiates.net/resources/

How Addiction and Substance Abuse Affect Sleep: A Guide to Sleep Health During Recovery   https://purple.com/blog/sleep-health-during-recovery-guide

Resource  guide for those pregnant or postpartum with addiction issues  alcohol-and-drug-rehab-for-pregnant-postpartum-women/

Emotional Wellness helps those finding it difficult to accept and manage their emotions and also to understand the differences between social drinking and binge drinking.

Important Information on Methamphetamine, which is the second most popular illicit drug in the world   https://www.addictiongroup.org/blog/meth-in-your-system/   https://www.addictiongroup.org/drugs/illegal/crystal-meth/sores/

Supporting both individuals and the families of those suffering from addiction  https://www.addictionhelper.com/

Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases through credible information and spreading awareness to many  https://www.addictiongroup.org/resources/faq/sud/

Resource where individuals and families struggling with addiction can find helpful tips and support  https://delphihealthgroup.com/

A resource for individuals who are struggling with substance use disorder.  https://startyourrecovery.org/

An article on the effect of illegal drug use on the heart   https://www.acls.net/effects-of-drugs

A guide to help people get information on DNA tests and addictionhttps://knowyourdna.com/guides/can-a-dna-test-predict-addiction/

Resources and information to help struggling individuals & families get their lives back on track    https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/addiction/mental-health/depression/

These drug prevention programs target children and young adults (ages 10 to 19) as they go through major life transitions   https://www.addictiongroup.org/treatment/therapies/drug-prevention-programs/

Information for parents of addicts, providing support and  guidance   https://freebythesea.com/addiction-resources/parents-of-addicts/

Resources designed to raise awareness about Fentanyl in the community and provide them with tangible information:   https://www.addicted.org/supe/fentanyl/teens-and-opioids/  https://www.addicted.org/supe/fentanyl/signs-of-an-opioid-overdose-when-to-use-naloxone/

Alcohol Rehab Help is an informational web guide created for people struggling with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and co-occurring mental health disordershttps://alcoholrehabhelp.org/

Articles and resources helping those facing addiction  https://www.northernillinoisrecovery.com/blog/

We combine the 12-Steps with Intense Process Therapy to lead our patients to a path that ensures life-long recovery and a drug free life style at Addiction Rehab Centers  https://www.addictionrehabcenters.com/

Detox/Treatment/ Recovery resources     . https://magnoliacitydetox.com/ & https://firstcityrecoverycenter.com/ & https://orlandotreatmentsolutions.com/

These are in-depth guides on addiction and recovery   https://focusedaddictionrecovery.com/,  https://www.jaywalkerlodge.com/ & https://www.legendsrecovery.com       https://www.monstervapelabs.co.uk/,  https://mpowerwellness.com/ &  https://idahorecoverycenter.com/

Each facility at Ark Behavioral Health. is centered around individualized patient care with an emphasis on long-term recovery to empower those with sense of purpose and joy  https://www.arkbh.com/

Addiction Group helps individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases through fact-based credible information written by journalists or medical professionals  AddictionGroup.org

With vaping, a pod can contain as much nicotine as a whole pack of cigarettes. Online resource regarding nicotine addiction  https://www.vapedanger.com/health-risks/nicotine-addiction/

A comprehensive guide on how addiction affects the trans community, its dangers, and how to find proper programs for them to get the help they need    https://www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/resources/transgender-community/

Guide to low cost or free rehab options    https://delphihealthgroup.com/free-rehab-guide/

rehabcenter.net  is an organization dedicated to connecting people seeking addiction treatment to the resources they need to succeed.   http://www.rehabcenter.net/  

Addiction truly is a family disease. Rehab Spot is here to help family members of those struggling with substance abuse  www.Rehabspot.com/FamilyHelp for families and individuals struggling with an addiction to opioids    https://www.opioidtreatment.net

Drugrehab.org,  is an informational site with resources for people suffering from addiction and for their loved ones.

Information how addiction affects, mind, body & life.  Resources for those with addictions  and for their families   https://coastaldetox.com/resources/

Drug overdose deaths have more than tripled since 1990.  Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases https://www.addictiongroup.org/rehab/substances/alcohol/

Free UK Helpline, resources and support for those with addictions  https://www.ukat.co.uk/

Addiction Group has extensive resources which let people know:that they are not alone and mental health is a shared experience      https://www.addictiongroup.org/addiction/what-is-alcoholic/  

Alcohol kills more people than all other drugs combined.  How to Help Someone with Alcohol Addiction    How to Know if You’re Addicted -    Live Again Detox   

ETA Recovery Services  Help through  private rehab clinics, alcohol and drug addiction charities, call back line,support groups, professional counselling organisations, and the NHS https://www.eata.org.uk/

Detox and Rehabs is an organization connecting people who are seeking treatment to the resources they need,  including a library of educational articles on addiction, recovery, and detoxification  https://www.detoxrehabs.net

A site that helps people find resources for recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol  https://www.detox.com/

Organization providing treatment and informational resources for those with substance abuse in Ohio area https://www.bluffsrehab.com/treatment-programs/pregnant-women/ https://www.bluffsrehab.com/prevent-teen-using-drugs/ https://www.bluffsrehab.com/

Resources for recovery from addiction  https://achievewellnessrecovery.com/   https://www.chaptersrecoverycenter.com/

A leading UK rehab clinic’s website is a resource for alcohol rehab treatment  https://cassioburycourt.com/who-we-help/alcohol-addiction/alcohol-rehab/

Resources and treatments available for someone struggling with substance abuse and how they can find long-term solutions   https://harmonyplace.com/blog/

This guide explains the difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab, plus how to choose the perfect inpatient treatment center  when appropriate    https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/treatment/inpatient-rehabilitation/

Detox and Residential services for men and women suffering from substance use disorder   https://detox-nashville.com       Detox services for the community of Memphis Tennessee   https://detoxwesttennessee.com    Stand alone medical detox center. https://brentwoodspringsdetox.com

Abbycare  helps people to  detox physically and chemically, addresses the underlying psychological issues of the addiction, plus provides aftercare support. https://www.abbeycarefoundation.com/alcohol-rehab/

Recovery Village, an organization dedicated to helping individuals struggling with substance abuse into recovery.  Alcohol Abuse and Addiction (https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/alcohol-abuse/   https://www.floridarehab.com/resources/ptsd/     https://www.floridarehab.com/resources/friends-and-family/    https://www.floridarehab.com/resources/first-responders/

Northeast Addictions Treatment Center in Massachusetts  is a Drug Rehab that provides guidance and treatment for individuals and family members who struggle with addiction  https://neaddictions.com/

Website that connects addicts and their families with the help they need to put their lives together  https://www.pinnaclepeakrecovery.com/drug-alcohol-addiction-support-groups/

 Addiction Resource  connects those fighting addiction with rehab centers and treatment  addictionresource.com       Alco Rehab is passionate about ending alcohol abuse around the world. https://alcorehab.org/

Addiction Network is a comprehensive drug rehab directory. This company helps people with drug and alcohol abuse that best fits their unique situation and unique lifestyle. https://www.addictionnetwork.com/  

Addiction Guide is a reliable source on addiction and the dangers of illicit substances. Our mission is to guide people and their loved ones to a healthier life  Addiction Guide

 Recovery Champions helps individuals get personalized addiction treatment through evidence-based practices, trauma counseling, and treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders  https://recoveringchampions.com/

Women's only rehab treatment center   https://www.newdirectionsforwomen.org/resources/   

A guide for those seeking recovery for themselves or their loved ones   https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/resources/helping-alcoholics/

This guide helps individuals and their families receive professional care in substance abuse rehabilitation   https://www.detoxrehabs.net/children-suffering-mental-health-issues/

At Ohio Recovery Centerwe provide support and stability for patients undergoing detox and withdrawal, with a smooth transition into residential care

In Portland, Casco Bay Recovery offers experienced, client-centered treatment for individuals seeking freedom from alcohol and substance use disorders  https://cascobayrecovery.com/

A guide which explains what Fentanyl is and its dangers  https://lagunashoresrecovery.com/drugs/fentanyl/

Outpatient/inpatient /detox programs in Los Angeles    https://www.westwindrecovery.com/

Addiction treatment for patients and support for their families in Missouri   https://sanalake.com/resources-for-everyone/#recovery-support

Primrose Lodge does outreach and has a residential rehabilitation program for addictions. Helpful resources and blogs   https://www.primroselodge.com/

Addiction resources   https://lunarecovery.com/ & https://www.westwindrecovery.com/.

Sana Lake Behavioral Wellness Center - https://sanalakebwc.com
Drug and Alcohol Detox in West Virginia - https://harmonyridgerecovery.com
Drug and Alcohol Treatment in New Jersey - https://www.discoverynj.org

Help, support and various treatments for alcohol and drug addictions in Washington state  https://freebythesea.com/addiction-treatments/

Helping individuals and families in New Jersey recover from drug and alcohol addiction   https://www.discoverynj.org/

A compiled a list of the best detox, alcohol, and drug rehab centers in Massachusetts. Here’s the list: https://www.addictionresource.net/best-drug-rehab-centers/massachusetts/

Substance abuse treatment in Tennessee at Graceland Recovery    https://gracelandrecovery.com/tennessee-rehab-resources/

The LGBTQIA Friendly Rehab Centers Near You is a website connecting people to the addiction resources they need   https://www.alltreatment.com/lgbtqia-friendly-alcohol-and-drug-rehab-centers/ 

Addiction treatment in Phoenix    https://www.phoenixrisingrecovery.com/      

Tulip Hill Recovery is a long-term rehab located in Tennessee https://tuliphillrecovery.com

Drug and Alcohol Treatment in New Jersey - https://www.discoverynj.org/
Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Saint Louis - https://sanalakebwc.com/
Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Pennsylvania - https://littlecreekrecovery.org/
Addiction Treatment Facility in Florida - https://miraclesrc.com/
Addiction Treatment Orlando Florida - https://orlandotreatmentsolutions.com/

Drug and alcohol treatment in New Hampshire  https://livefreerecoverynh.com/ 

Utah Addiction Rehab Center  https://www.acquarecovery.com/

These rehabilitation and drug addiction treatment  offer  support and guidance for individuals seeking recovery.

Agape Treatment Center   Drug and Alcohol Detox in Port St. Lucie, FL DRUG REHAB & ALCOHOL DETOX CENTER IN CLOVIS

Principles Recovery Center        

Boca Recovery Addiction Guide

Wisconsin https://wisconsinrecoveryinstitute.com/resources/        

Tennessee's Premier Drug & Alcohol Detox    https://www.liveagaindetox.com/
Kentucky's Residential Recovery Centers For Addiction and Mental Health Treatment   https://tuliphillhealthcare.com/ 


Learn about symptoms and causes of mesothelioma, along with important resources for finding doctors and treatment centers atMesothelioma.net (linked to https://mesothelioma.net/pleural-mesothelioma/)

Help those affected by mesothelioma with compassion and care   MesotheliomaHelpNow.com

Helping  those with  mesothelioma and their loved ones, find support and what options are available to them  https://www.pleuralmesothelioma.com/cancer/support/

Mesothelioma.com has been a leading source of mesothelioma information and resources for patients and their families since 1996       https://www.mesothelioma.com/

49 need-to-know statistics including lung cancer causes, risk factors, early detection, survival rates, and more   https://www.asbestos.com/cancer/lung-cancer/statistics/

Lung cancer is now the most common form of cancer in the world  www.lungcancercenter.com/

Leading online resource for those with asbestos-related diseases  Asbestos.net  https://mesothelioma.net/mesothelioma-asbestos-dangers-smoking  helped lung cancer survivor Virgil Anderson  https://www.treatmesothelioma.org/mesothelioma/

This resource explains asbestos and many other topics regarding this disease https://www.sokolovelaw.com/asbestos/

How doctors treat mesothelioma  https://www.mesotheliomahub.com/treatment/


Legal Resources for Special Needs    Creating a Home Where Your Disabled Child can Thrive

How to Exercise if You Have Limited Mobility   Healthy Eating Advice for Wheelchair-bound People   How to Remodel for Accessibility    Developing Your Blind Child’s Sleep Schedule

Special Needs Trusts Guide  Finding Accessible Housing     What to Look for in Accessible Rentals

Simple Home Modifications for Kids with Special Needs

Resources helpful to families with special needs   Accessible home checklist        Grants for Families of Special Needs Kids       Adaptive Technology for Cars   

Information and advice for students with special needs as they pursue a college degree  Homework Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities Understanding ADHD Accommodations for College Students     Study Tips for College Students with ADHD     Study Tips for College Students with Dyscalculia

The benefits of vocational training, choosing the right program for special needs students' goals, needs, and scholarships   https://www.beautyschoolsdirectory.com/blog/students-disabilities-support

A list of STEM resources for kids with special needs  which offers a range of options and approaches for parents and educators alike   https://www.bitira.com/crypto-stem-for-kids-with-special-needs/

A guide for accessible home improvements which increase safety, mobility, and independence for people with special needs  https://www.texasrealestatesource.com/blog/complete-home-accessibility-guide/

Resource for those who need an accommodation in their living space & how to submit an official request to their landlord    https://ipropertymanagement.com/templates/housing-accommodation-disability-request-letter

A resource with home hacks to improve each room in a Highly Sensitive person’s (HSP’s) home https://www.apartmentguide.com/blog/highly-sensitive-person-survival-guide/#infographic

Helpful information and tips on how to modify your backyard to accommodate children with special needs  https://bbqwork.com/backyard-modification/

Resource that covers accommodations for special needs, housing live-in caregivers, best service dog breeds, and home technology to increase accessibility   https://porch.com/advice/all-about-accessibility-remodeling-and-retrofits#remodeled

A  guide with sleep-related topics for people with physical disabilities which is packed with facts, figures, and advice   https://www.thesnoozle.com/pages/physical-disabilities-sleep-guide

Transition to Adulthood: Home Remodeling for Young Adults with Special Needs     Tenants Rights and Housing Assistance for the Disabled

Best Schools for Students with a Learning Disability   https://www.ireviews.com/best-schools-for-students-with-a-learning-disability/

Colleges/universities/online  learning opportunities for those with special needs    https://best-universities.net/resources/online-college-learning-for-students-with-disabilities/

A GUIDE TO SMART HOME TECH FOR THE DISABLED AND ELDERLY"  with handy gadgets and modifications to the home to make life easier  https://www.thereviewsinsider.com/guide-to-smart-home-tech-for-the-disabled-and-elderly/

Resource on emotional support animal laws for renters and dealing  with stubborn landlords  https://www.turbotenant.com/blog/emotional-support-animal-laws/

A fully accessible guide with tips and tricks to make flying with a disability an easier, more enjoyable process   https://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/fully-accessible-guide-flying-people-disabilities/

About 40% of adults with disabilities report having sleep deprivation. This guide addresses problems and helps people get better sleep  https://www.mattressclarity.com/blog/sleep-disabilities-everything-should-know/

A research guide on the Best Schools for Students with a Learning Disability    https://www.ireviews.com/best-schools-for-students-with-a-learning-disability/


The Birth Injury Justice Center is dedicated to supporting anyone who has been affected by birth injuries, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, and other developmental disabilities   https://www.childbirthinjuries.com/birth-injury/   https://www.childbirthinjuries.com/cerebral-palsy/   

Home modifications for the visually impaired or blind   https://blog.hireahelper.com/home-modifications-visually-impaired-blind/

Fun activities for the blind: a list of board games  https://crossword-solver.io/low-vision-board-games/

Finding and renting apartments for people with disabilities, including  disability rights  to negotiating with landlords and the move https://www.thezebra.com/renting-with-disabilities/

The guide advises people with disabilities on what to look for in a trade school, common challenges they may face,  and where to find additional resources    https://primeweld.com/blogs/news/disability-guide-to-trade-school

An overview article on how modern assistive technologies can help students with learning disabilities in the educational process  https://studycorgi.com/blog/assistive-technology-for-learning-disabilities/

Assistive Technology makes cars accessible for people with disabilities  article on assistive technology

How libraries can create more autism-friendly environments.


An overview about mushrooms and their environmental contribution  https://www.realmushrooms.com/mushrooms-support-ecosystem/      https://big3africa.org/2024/06/13/mushrooms-the-forgotten-environmentalists/

"AI Detection: Falsely Accused of Using ChatGPT for Academic Writing" infographic providing tips on how to effectively protect yourself and prove that you have maintained academic integrity. https://ivypanda.com/blog/ai-detection-falsely-accused-of-using-chatgpt-for-academic-writing-infographic/

A guide on how people can help charities remotely, like work-from-home but as a volunteer.

Practical tips and advice to protect personal information and business data against cyberattacksincluding actions to take if you’ve been a victim of cybercrime and where to seek help.

21 Alarming Cybercrime statistics

Security and your phone - what are the risks and how to stay safe.

A tutorial on how a Virtual Private Network (VPN) works to help protect your online privacy. 

Virtual private networks (VPN)  protect you from hackers, malware, and your messages from being intercepted online:VPN Beginner's Guide   &   What is VPN - Infographic

This covers the main stages of a research process, how to determine and citing sources, plus helpful online tools.

How Music Can Help You Study which discusses the pros and cons of studying with music.

A new resource about scholarly articles and principles of using them.  

Interesting statistics and facts about gender inequality in esports.

How to Secure Your Digital Life 2021  

Benefits Of Having A Dog

Practical tips for snoozing with a pet, and for sleep training a new pet.

A guide with a specific list of anti-bullying resources for college students.

30 Google search tips and tricks, including Google Scholar search

Green Plumbing: Environmentally Friendly Plumbing Solutions

Blood alcohol levels explained in this guide.

This online BAC calculator is good for estimating your BAC level, but your actual BAC will vary depending on a host of different factors

This calculator gives a rough idea of your bloods alcohol concentration. 

A handy moving calculator to help people calculate what it will cost to move to a new city. 

Preparing for a move: A useful contact notification sheet, a detailed home inventory checklist, and colorful moving labels to make box organization super easy. 

Info & history on International Women's Day 

Find out a difference between Home Warranty Coverage and the Equipment Breakdown Coverage


15 Common Questions on Property and Casualty Insurance


Helpful guide which explains what one needs to know about  choosing an auto insurance broker.

A guide which provides information for affordable health insurance plans in Ohio.

Why You Should Review Your Homeowners Insurance When You Refinance Your Home.  

Our goal at Whistleblower Info is to keep the public educated and informed of the many different types of government contractor fraud, medical & healthcare fraud, pharmaceutical and FDA fraud, tax fraud.

How to recycle used dog food pouches

Guide which covers must-know homeowner's association rules and how to handle bad neighbors 

Winter Storm Safety Guide


Pest Control Resources       More Pest Control Resources    

A guide for brides-to-be how to look their best on their wedding day https://www.michmedspa.com/blog/essential-bridal-beauty-rituals//


Mental health issues faced by veterans, treatment options, helpful resources and tips on a healthy transition back to civilian life

A website that helps low income veterans with finding free grants. These grants help veterans with rent, housing, education, medical bills, and utility bills 

A comprehensive list of resources for veterans’ financial security. For Financial Security and RetirementRetirement and Financial Security for Veterans    For Healthcare:   Veterans Benefits for Financial Security and Paying for Healthcare/

An in-depth article detailing our top 7 VA loan tips for military members and spouses 

Guide to creating a peaceful home to improve mental health for veterans 

Helpful article on PTSD and issues surrounding it  written by a combat veteran

Using Cannabis Safely to Help Veterans with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Resources to help veterans struggling with addiction and substance abuse  

An article which helps veterans who are struggling with addiction when they come home

The US government and a few private organizations offer grants and aid to help veterans with their home modification projects 

A detailed guide which helps active duty military and veterans craft the perfect cover letter and resume to help them successfully transition back into civilian careers  How to write a Cover Letter,  Military to Civilian Cover Letter Examples,     Military to Civilian Resume Examples

A guide for veterans on how to write a fantastic resume

This guide helps veterans and military service members optimize their resumes

Resource Guide for Military Veteran Contractors discusses the career outlook for skilled tradestransitioning from military to civilian life,

Business credit and loan resources for veterans

A new resource  for Best Military Discounts From Top Stores  

A guide on the many different ways discrimination can affect Veterans and what their rights are, as well as their options of defense

Information for veterans  with small businesses on networking, mentorship, the Small Business Development Center, etc.

A guide which discusses how veterans can talk to children about their own cancer diagnosis 

Mesothelioma (a type of cancer) is caused by exposure to asbestos,  which can be found in many places such as houses, etc.   MesotheliomaVeterans.org

Some studies suggest that 30% of all Americans living with mesothelioma are veterans who were exposed while on active duty

This guide has steps needed to start a business, things to look out for, and has several helpful links for veterans thinking about starting one 

Legal Resource for veterans dealing with debilitating illness or injury post-combat, and facing challenges when they return home

A guide with information where veterans can get small businesses loans 

Job and Career Network Resources for our Veterans 

How skills acquired in the military can be applied in the classroom, opening up a new career pathway for veterans 

A How-To Guide: Using a Relocation Calculator

VA Mortgage Loan Document Checklist

VA Home Loan Calculator

Moving Companies Offering Military Discounts

What Documents Do I Need to Sell My House?

Family Services and Resources Near You

Military Buddy Finder | VetFriends.com

Military Discounts Offered by Stores, Services and Online Sites

Discounts for Veterans through Verizon

7 Medicare Facts Every Veteran Should Know

Mental Health Resources for our Veterans Families

A Guide for Veterans on Creating a Peaceful At-Home Atmosphere After Returning Home

Articles, and resources  to increase understanding and awareness of mental health disorders, substance abuse along with many other issues affecting veterans

Medicare resource for veterans

If you’re a veteran wondering whether to refinance your home mortgage, review these resources to help guide this decision  Key Steps to Refinancing Your Home Mortgage,   Mortgage Lenders and Refinancing Companies: Top Reviews, Home Appraisals: Home Appraiser, Property Value & TipsSteps to Take to Improve Your Credit Score, Mortgage Assistance Programs for VeteransWhat is a VA Loan?VA Home Loans: A Guide For America’s VeteransInterest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan

Best Military Discounts From Top Stores and More Military Discounts

After decades of investigations, new laws allow Camp Lejeune water contamination victims to take action  Camp Lejeune Claims Center       

A guide for veterans on how to transfer skills learned in service to a new career, which skilled trades are in high demand , & tips on transitioning into civilian life.



Helping elderly parents with finances: best way to start the conversation, assessing their portfolio, and assisting them with financial decisions   https://www.bankrate.com/investing/how-to-help-elderly-parents-with-investments/

U.S. government estimates financial scams of telemarketers take more than $40B each year and 80% of these people are seniors         https://recordsfinder.com/guides/senior-financial-scams/

A guide to help protect our elderly loved ones from online scammers  https://www.ireviews.com/online-scams/

A comprehensive guide which covers the types of insomnia to specific medications that treat sleep problems  https://www.aplaceformom.com/resources/senior-insomnia-guide/

Simple exercises for seniors (or anyone) to maintain health and an active lifestyle  https://www.medicalalertadvice.com/resources/simple-exercises-for-seniors/

Aging and Sleep. Sleep tips for older adults  https://casper.com/blog/aging-and-sleep/ 

Resources for services designed to enhance the quality of life for seniors and help them retain their independence     https://www.meleshconstructiondallas.com/senior-resources

Researchers in Scotland found that older people who use e-bikes can cycle longer, and as a result, they have an increased sense of independence  https://flyridesusa.com/pages/ebike-tips-for-seniors  

Tips and strategies which benefit seniors learning chess & improving their game   https://www.chesshouse.com/pages/senior-chess-tips   https://www.bethesdagardensthornton.com/blog/tips-for-seniors-who-want-to-play-chess

A Guide To Maintaining Sexuality After Menopause   https://www.intimaterose.com/blogs/womens-health/sexuality-after-menopause

How to access free/low-cost adult diapers  https://www.parentgiving.com/elder-care/free-or-lowcost-disposable-adult-diapers/

Online recreation document with activities and entertainment for the seniors to do on their own,   including exercise programs, brain boosters and puzzles    https://choicemutual.com/seniors-guide-physical-mental-fitness/

In addition to a list of games which seniors might enjoy, this resource also includes an infographic about the benefits of games for seniors   https://word.tips/beneficial-videogames-seniors/

Many changes take place in our eyes as we get older. Common conditions due to age include, presbyopia, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration. Vision Center is an informational web guide https://www.visioncenter.org/conditions/glaucoma/ 

Healthy sex life for seniors    https://www.intimaterose.com/pages/guide-to-a-healthy-sex-life-after-60

The article gives a rundown on the various types of computer viruses and malware, as well as what do to protect yourself. Resources are provided  https://router-admin.net/articles/computer-virus-resource-guide

Home Safety  For Seniors: A guide on how to prevent falls   https://www.turbotenant.com/blog/home-afety-for-seniors/

Senior citizens are the most targeted group for scams - how to avoid them

An informative resource on Senior Safety:  https://infotracer.com/infocenter/safety-for-elderly-ultimate-guide/

Tips for caregivers of the elderly  https://www.aplaceformom.com/caregiver-resources/articles/home-safety-tips

Resource on the importance of ensuring older adults are provided have support while using the bathroom  https://www.upflushtoilet.com/pages/bathroom-safety-tips-for-caregivers

"What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Medicare Advantage

A helpful guide which is about the Importance of Medicare Star Ratings 

This helpful guide  gives useful information in “MEDICARE FOR DUMMIES”  https://www.medicareinsuranceaz.com/medicare-for-dummies/

Resource  providing comprehensive information on topics like financial support, care options, and how to  maintain their independence and quality of life.  https://www.caring.com/senior-living/assisted-livinga

Guide to help retirement-aged individuals navigate their student loan debt repayment options.  https://www.elfi.com/top-10-ways-to-pay-off-student-loans-faster/

Tips on Estate Planning and what to avoid   https://drizinlaw.com/blog/common-estate-planning-mistakes-to-avoid/

Tips and advice on issues associated with accessibility bathrooms for the elderly and those with disabilities https://www.mrrooter.ca/about/blog/2020/september/helpful-bathroom-accessories-and-remodel-ideas-f/

National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab  Help for seniors with addiction  https://rehabnet.com/

This guide for seniors on European river cruise goes over routes, what to expect, and how to choose the best cruise line depending on budget, amenities, and excursions included    https://etias.com/articles/senior-river-cruises

Help which is available  for the elderly and their families regarding the cost of long term care and the programs that can provide financial support throughout the US  https://www.payingforseniorcare.com/longtermcare/paying-for-assisted-living.html  

Resource that can help seniors and their families know the different assisted living options in your area  https://www.medicalalert.org/best-medical-alert-systems/     https://www.medicalalert.org/

National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), estimates 1 in 10 Americans aged 60+ have experienced some form of elder abuse. Online resource educating the public on the risks of senior abuse  Nursinghomeabusecenter.com/nursing-home-abuse/   NursingHomeAbuse.org

Living arrangement options explained for seniors and those with disabilities   https://www.assistedliving.org/assisted-living-options-for-people-with-disabilities    www.assistedliving.org

Working out your pelvic floor is the key to treating issues like incontinence. This guide covers how to do the exercises, holistic breathing and following the "pelvic floor diet." https://www.hellorory.com/roar/pelvic-floor-exercises/

Living arrangement options explained for seniors and those with disabilities   www.assistedliving.org



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