How to deal with legal issues during Lockdown
Lockdown has been incredibly difficult for everyone and each individual has had their own pressures and worries to work out whilst living in an uncertain world, one where you’re expected to stay at home, perhaps even an unhappy home.
If you find yourself in need of professional legal advice to help with a current dispute regarding children, divorce or separation or civil partnership breakdown, there is still something you can do – even during lockdown – to help the situation.
Family Arbitration
Family Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution and it’s a quick and versatile option which can be tailored to an individual’s particular circumstances, to ensure they can resolve any issues which include finances or issues concerning children, in a time and environment that suits them.
Family Arbitration is very useful in these current times as the process doesn’t require you to go to a court. You would normally visit the office of your Arbitrator however as that’s not currently possible, the process can continue virtually.
Virtual Arbitration
Virtual Arbitration is ideal for individuals who need to resolve certain matters but cannot visit their Arbitrators offices. This new format prevents further Court backlogs, in which many couples and families will be waiting months for their issues to be seen to.
During a virtual arbitration session, the Arbitrator will use video-conferencing to facilitate the arbitration process from start to finish, negating the requirement for parties to attend a physical setting.
As this entire process can be completed remotely, individuals do not have to worry about restrictions on travelling or health and safety issues and the impact on the timescales of the case.
All Family Law issues can be dealt with through Virtual Arbitration
As stated previously, as there are limited restrictions to the process, all family law issues can still be dealt with during arbitration. It simply requires both parties to commit to the process in order for it to be successful.
Child matters and arrangements has been in the spotlight during the lockdown, as many families and parents have been unsure on the exact measures and processes they are allowed to undertake to ensure the safety of their children but with arrangements still met and agreed to.
Child arrangement disputes is one of the issues you can deal with during virtual arbitration and with a legal professional to guide the session, you will hopefully be able to come to resolution on any issues that are currently concerning you during this time.
Financial issues and disputes might be at the forefront of some people’s minds at the moment and especially if you’re going through a divorce settlement you might find yourself asking how do you continue this process during lockdown?
These types of matters are worth discussing with family law specialists as they can provide you with the tools and advice on how certain processes and disputes can continue as normal during lockdown to avoid potentially disadvantageous settlements, which might involve property, shares and pensions.
Author Bio
K J Smith Solicitors are specialists in family law, experienced in all matters relating to divorce, civil partnerships, cohabitation disputes and collaborative law.
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