7 Tips for Moving Out After a Divorce
Whether your relationship lasts for three months or thirty years, ending it is challenging. Furthermore, living with the one you’re leaving makes things even more difficult. Every post-relationship move-out has unique difficulties. For instance, you must consider any kids or pets while making your plans. If both parties agree, you must split your property. And, if you were married, you’ll need to contact a lawyer. However, even though each move-out is unique, there are a few best practices and tips for moving out after a divorce. Here are some recommendations for making the whole process easier.
1. Wait for the divorce to finalize
Always, but always, wait until your divorce is fully finalized before leaving the house. It might be a very normal reaction to want to stand up and go when emotions are overwhelming. However, divorce lawyers claim that it is one of the worst errors you can make. And it’s easy to understand why. Legally, you are regarded to have abandoned the family if you do this. Furthermore, if the divorce is messy, your ex-spouse may use it against you to get the house, the kids, and other assets. Therefore, first put an end to everything legally and then continue with moving out after the divorce.
2. Dividing your belongings
After a divorce, moving out also means dealing with the inconvenience of dividing up your joint possessions. And even if it might be alluring to take everything you’ve ever purchased with you, mainly if you believe your ex has harmed you somehow, don’t. Moving too many things after a breakup can easily prove to be a mistake from a practical, economical, and emotional standpoint. Moreover, even if you’re doing it to punish your former spouse, just give it some thought. Shortly, the reasoning will become clear.
3. Declutter
After a divorce, moving out of the house offers you an excellent reason to purge your possessions. After all, relocating to your new place will be much simpler if you downsize your stuff. As a result, be careful to go through everything you own and divide it into piles. The keeping pile should contain only the things that you need or use. The throw-away pile is self-explanatory. Get rid of everything that you can’t use anymore. Also, consider getting rid of emotional belongings connected to your ex-spouse since you want to make your fresh start as simple as possible. For instance, you shouldn’t keep old photos from when you were happily in love. After all, you don’t want to bring melancholia or depression into your new life.
The last pile should contain items you can give, sell, or donate. And if you don’t have where to keep them until they find a new home, remember that extra storage space can help a lot in these situations. Many people need a safe space to keep their belongings after the divorce, and storage units are the perfect solution.
4. Remember that you are not alone
You shouldn’t be left to manage moving out after a divorce alone. In most circumstances, you’ll feel physically exhausted after ending a marriage. That can make it difficult for you to pull off a successful self-move. Moreover, the emotional toll of ending a chapter of your life will also negatively impact your physical health. Therefore, friends’ and family members’ emotional and physical support is essential at such a trying time. You will need to rely on their support more than ever before you can relocate and claim a new place as your own.
Ask friends if you can stay with them until you find a place or if they can come over and help you pack. Call family members to come and keep you company or to do relaxing activities together. Fill your time and heart with the people you love and that love you, and moving out won’t seem like such a tragedy anymore.
5. Start packing what you are taking with you
It is best to begin packing as soon as possible. Therefore, try to start your packing at least ten days in advance. Pack unnecessary goods first, followed by necessities. If you are moving to a new state, keep toiletries and prescription drugs in a personal bag you can easily access. Having everything you need at hand while on the road is essential. In addition, give each package a descriptive label. Then, pack everything smaller in a box that will fit. All these tips will make moving day much more straightforward.
6. Find good movers
Throughout this journey, you will rely on friends and family immensely. Therefore, moving out after a divorce is best left in the hands of professional movers who are objective and detached from emotion. However, the more in advance you can book the movers, the better. Even if scheduling your movers weeks in advance may not be feasible given the current situation, doing it on time is better. Many movers will also accept last-minute reservations. Or, you might consider relocating yourself if you don’t have the money or need movers. But if you decide you’re relocating by yourself, at least reserve your rental vehicle early on.
7. Start fresh
Your next big adventure will be figuring out your new single, post-divorce existence. You can have a fresh beginning when you move into your new house. It will feel almost therapeutic to figure out your new style and decorate your home to reflect it. In truth, your new life chapter beginning is here. With a house that represents your tastes and serves as your oasis, you will soon go on the path of your choice.
Final words
Nobody can say that moving out after a divorce is easy. However, you can make it more manageable with a few simple tips. Be sure to follow them and ask for support from friends and family each step of the way. And if the whole process overwhelms you, hire professionals to do the hard work for you. A helping hand is always welcome.
Author is Amy Baker Content manager @ US Content Group
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