Tips for dealing with Sexual Harassment
If you are dealing with sexual harassment at work and want to nip it in the bud, here are some suggestions.
1. Ask around, is it just directed at you, or are there other victims? Go to the offender’s supervisor, or to HR, enmass. There is more crediblity with a group complaint.
2. If you think the offender is just plain stupid , then talk to him and let him know that the line has been crossed. Possibly just educating the clueless one will do the trick. He may erroneously think that you are “one of the guys”.
3. Keep meticulous records with times and dates of what happened.
4. Use a sense of humor to set the record straight.
5. Consult an attorney, if all else fails.
I read how an ingenius group of women, who worked in a factory, handled this issue. The floor supervisor would come around and sexually proposition the female workers individually. They talked amoung themselves and realized that they were all his victims. They decided to take matters in their own hands and stop the problem once and for all. Their plan was when the supervisor would come around to talk to someone, all of them would shut off their machines to make it quieter. The victim would yell, whatever the proposition was, like ” you want to do what to me?” They knew it would be especially difficult for the first couple of women. Soon, the men also turned off their machines when it happened and laughed whenever the supervisor tried his tricks. After a short while, the supervisor gave up and mainly stayed in his office overlooking the factory floor. Try being creative to avoid a lengthy lawsuit.
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