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Joint, Physical, Sole and Legal Custody

Joint, Physical, Sole and Legal Custody have distinct differences and it is important to understand these during divorce negotiations. Sole Custody can be granted to one parent when the other or the partner is abusive or impared.  The courts across the country are moving away from granting this type of custody and are giving Legal Custody to both parents. In sole custody, the  one parent has complete say in the child’s decisions and does not have to consult the other one.  If one parent is completely out of the picture, then this is when sole custody is more likely to be awarded. Legal Custody is usually granted to both parents and this allows them to make decisions regarding the child’s medical, educational, religious and schooling even if one parent is in jail.  The incarcerated parent can still have imput on the child’s upbringing. When a parent has alcohol or drug abuse, then visitation may be supervised, but legal custody can still be awarded.  If a parent makes important changes, such as a school, the other parent can take that parent to court if he was not consulted in this decision.  Although my children had visitation, I was reprimanded for not informing my son’s father that our child had gotten a job during our divorce. If the other parent is abusive, Legal Custody can still be awarded, with a court mediator being appointed.  Then all communication between parents would go through this person. Physical Custody is granted to the parent where the child completely or mainly resides. This may be that the child lives with his mother during the week and stays at his father’s house on the weekends.  It also is awarded to a parent when there is no overnight visits or in cases where visitation is supervised. Joint Custody is when the child spends…

Collaborative Divorce – A New Team Member

There is a new member on the Collaborative divorce team.  A career coach is becoming an invaluable asset in collabortive divorce negotioations. Quite a few women have put aside their work aspirations to raise a family and have been out of the job market for awhile.  A career coach may be brought in to help these women determine their strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan of action. An intial assessment of skills and interest is performed and then the woman and career coach investigate potential jobs and career paths. It may be that the woman has developed different interest areas and accomplishments from her previous jobs and requires some vocational guidence during and post-divorce.  The career coach can assist with concrete tasks, such as helping to write a resume and check job wanted ads. Another function is to provide  reassurance and support for the spouse who is now hunting for a job. An additional reason that a career coach is brought onboard is to help determine alimony and child support during collaborative divorce negotiations. These are determined by the earning potential of both spouses.  If one spouse has to go back to school or training to update her skills or license, then the career coach can point this out for a fairer  alimony/child support settlement. In an acrimonious divorce, the career coach is a neutral person who can help set alimony/child support in an impartial manner.  

Bobbi Brown’s tips for life

In Bobbi Brown’s new book,” Beauty Rules”, she has nuggets of wisdom which apply to all of us. She states to “be nice” and that “you must be kind to others”. Also to “tell the truth”. She said “to take risks”, giving the example of going to NYC, without contacts and making cold calls to people in the beauty industry  .Bobbi  Brown said ” never give up”, even working for free on a trial basis to show your skills. “Be on time” and “be open” to whatever may be coming your way. Feel your passion and to “care about something”, whether it’s animals, the environment or whatever. She suggests “giving back” by finding a cause and that is special to you. Bobbi Brown advocates “working hard” even if this means starting from the very bottom and working your way up the corporate ladder. “Look people in the eyes” to show your confidence, even if you aren’t feeling it at the moment. Bobbi Brown learned that looking and feeling pretty matters to one’s self esteem. I am helped by reading of successful people’s struggles and the wisdom that they learned along the way. So many people have nuggets of wisdom that we can incorporate into our own lives, whether they are celebrities or a valued elderly neighbor.

How to pay off your mortgage

Tips on paying off your mortgage quickly. 1. Have your mortgage automatically withdrawn form your bank account with a set addtional amount to go to the principle itself.  For example, I doubled my mortgage amount with the other half going directly to my principle. 2.  Put ALL extra dividends, bonuses, tax refunds, inheritance, etc directly to your principle.  Make out a mortgage slip and send that in as  an extra payment to your principle.  It doesn’t matter if they are small amounts as long as they are clearly marked “principle”.  If you get large sums of money sporadically, such as artists do after shows or when paintings sell, put a good chunk of that to the principle.  I am friends with an artist family and they blow big chunks of money on frivolous items, but moan about their mortgage.  Any extra money that comes in, that is not your salary, put towards the principle. 3.  Check your mortgage policy.  Is there a prepayment penalty?  If so, see if you can have that mortgage transferred to another institution, which doesn’t have such restrictions.  Maybe you can have your mortgage loan refinanced at a lower rate.  Your monthly loan payment can be reduced if you put a certain  amount down on your mortgage.  For example if I put at least $5000.00 down, with a small fee, my loan payment was recalculated and my monthly payment became less. 4.  Some people are putting large amounts of money into their savings accounts and investments, which don’t accrue the same amount of interest, as the interest owed with a mortgage.  For example, last year I paid $1648.00 in interest with my mortgage, but did not earn any where near that with my small savings and investments.  I pulled money out of my small investments, sold…


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