How To Get Your Child Help When Your Ex Thinks That Nothing Is Wrong
When a child is raised in two different households, it can cause some problems when it comes to childcare. One thing that sometimes happens is different opinions are formed over the behavior of the child. If one parent believes the child is showing signs of ADD or ADHD, the other may think their child is being disorganized and unfocused but not in a way that is unusual for a kid. The only way to be sure is by visiting health care professionals so that your child can be assessed, and that can be tricky. Since doctors visits and medication still require joint consent, it can sometimes be difficult to get your ex-partner to consent. If you are stuck in this position right now, there are some steps you can take to work with your ex and convince them that your child needs help. Ask For A Meeting At Neutral Territory When you are ready to talk to your ex about your concerns, it is best to meet at a neutral place. Often, meeting at either of your homes or that of grandparents homes, can leave the other person off-balance and on the defensive. Instead, to create a conducive environment of cooperation, I would recommend you two meet together at places like a park, cafe, or reserve a meeting room at your local library. Not only are these places neutral, but they are public enough that outbursts are likely to be held to a minimum. Have Clear Examples Of Concerning Behavior If your ex-partner doesn’t believe there is anything wrong with your child, it is important that you bring clear examples of the concerning behavior with you to the meeting. This aspect can especially important if you are the main custodial parent and the other parent doesn’t see the child enough…
Helping Your Child Through Social Anxiety
It will be surprising to many parents that even young children can struggle with social anxiety. We’re social creatures, and our appreciation of key social dynamics begin forming as early as age two. So, during your child’s formative years, it’s important to both teach them basic social skills and help them get comfortable around their peers. This is so they can develop a healthy social schema and consolidate their emotional intelligence. Most young children don’t have the introspective skills to know when they’re dealing with social anxiety. So, being educated about the signs of and symptoms of anxiety in children is a must for parents. What is social anxiety? It’s important to define what social anxiety is in children. Many adults confuse social anxiety with introversion or poor social skills. This innocent misconception hurts more than helps because many times parents won’t realize there’s an issue. Regarding social anxiety, the ADAA states, “the defining feature of social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation.” When your child struggles with social anxiety it can make performing day-to-day scholastic tasks like public speaking or reading out loud difficult. It can also present during playtime, making it especially hard to have and keep close friendships. If your child is dealing with any form of anxiety this can have a negative impact on their social and emotional development. On a personal level, social anxiety can profoundly change the course of a child’s self-confidence. Signs of Social Anxiety in Children Once you understand the characteristics of social anxiety, it’s a good idea to be proactive and look out for the signs. A common theme in socially anxious children in visible fear or panic while socializing. This fear will…
How to Navigate Celebrations After Divorce
With about 50% of couples ending up divorced, it’s no secret that not all marriages are meant to be – and it goes without saying that divorce can be a stressful, long, and tiring process. But what about life after divorce? If you’re recently divorced or have been for a while, you may find yourself struggling with how to go about celebrations such as Christmas, birthdays, Thanksgiving, and even Mother’s Day as a single individual. With some helpful tips, you’ll soon find yourself looking forward to every celebration of the year. Starting to socialize again Many people may begin to feel lonely after settling into life after their divorce – but you don’t have to be; and you certainly don’t have to celebrate any special occasion alone, either. No matter what the occasion is, inviting friends or family over or going out is a great way to boost your happiness and allow you to make new memories with those that you love, all while getting back into the social scene again. Focusing on spending time with your family and friends is one of the best ways to get your mind off of your divorce – especially if you’re close to your them and they’re one of your biggest support systems. Believe it or not, immersing yourself into spending more time and being sociable with family and friends can be a great way to cope with celebrations after divorce in multiple ways. For example, taking the time to pick out the perfect Mother’s Day gift, or having a holiday get together or dinner can be a perfect way to get your mind off of things and to feel less alone. Running into your ex It goes without saying that you may experience nervousness when it comes to getting back out there and having a good time, especially…
Freshly Single And Ready To Travel To Have Your Best Holiday Yet
The experience of divorce quite often comes with the desire to travel and adventure for many women. It’s one of the best opportunities to find yourself and be able to focus on positively improving your life after such a substantial change. And with women reporting to be an overwhelmingly amount happier after divorce – even 20 years post divorce – than when they were in their unhappy marriage, travel is an excellent way to quickly find this surge of enjoyment. Not only can you pick destinations selfishly, but the single adult travel industry is booming with adventures catered to suit your specific needs Decide What Appeals To You The Most Although it depends on the length of your previous marriage, it’s more than likely your past few holidays have been a compromise destination, or one that you both wanted to visit. But now you’re single, the perfect opportunity to be as selfish as possible presents itself, and you are able to choose a fantastic location that you’ve always wanted to see. In fact, solo travel is so appealing that there has been a 143% rise in the trend within the past three years. So if your partner always wanted to go to the beach, now is the time to take that cruise up to Alaska and see all the winter sights that you’ve always wanted to. There are many different resources and advice blogs that specifically cater to different travelling needs and niches, which can be consulted for inspiration when planning your first solo adventure. Try Adventure And Thrill Seeking When coping with such a life changing event, many find the allure of a thrill seeking adventure to be just up their alley. Start by making a dare list of everything you can think of that would get your adrenaline going; this can include skydiving, rock climbing, parasailing, bungee jumping,…
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