How To Help Your Teenager With ODD Still Have An Organized Life After Divorce
Divorce is often tough on the whole family, more so children and teens. Teenagers already have enough to deal with and most of them experience a cocktail of emotions after their parents’ divorce. They may feel angry, frustrated, sad, confused and lonely. Such a stressful situation might worsen the behavior of teens with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). ODD teens are not your typical teens. This behavioral disorder is characterized by consistent defiant, hostile and uncooperative behavior towards authority that seriously interferes with the teens’ daily life. The upheaval brought about by divorce can exacerbate an ODD teens’ symptoms and behavior, making things even more difficult for the family. Part of dealing with an ODD teen involves creating and establishing structure to provide guidance and a positive atmosphere that’s crucial to their healthy development. This shouldn’t stop because of their parents’ divorce. Both parents are still needed to give guidance, love, and support. Establishing Structure for your ODD Teen after Divorce Maintaining rules and consequences. You might feel guilty or overwhelmed after a divorce and that can lead you to let certain behaviors in your teen slide. ODD teens still need consistency so make sure you still uphold the rules and consequences they’re used to. Have a discussion with your teen and let them have a say in coming up with effective consequences and rules they should adhere to. Cooperating with your ex-spouse. Co-parenting after divorce brings its own set of challenges. ODD teens thrive on conflict and may enjoy pitting one parent against the other so having clear, open communication channels between the two of you will eliminate a wide range of problems. Both you and your ex-spouse need to have a discussion about your ODD teen and get on the same page about discipline and the basic rules they…
The Crucial Facts And Deadly Consequences Of Tooth Abscesses
It is very unlikely that one would have to deal with an abscessed tooth in one’s lifetime. An abscessed tooth essentially has an infection within the tooth or in midst of the tooth and gums. It may result in sore tissue in mouth or throat. This may be filled with pus. It is a bacterial infection that leads to pus formation. The underlying cause of abscessed teeth is decay or erosion of teeth. As resulting from the same, bacteria makes its way into the cracks or chips that exist among the teeth. A few of the common underlying causes leading up to abscessed teeth include poor dental hygiene and untreated cavities. It may even happen that abscessed teeth occur within just a couple of days of onset of an infection. Dental abscesses are broadly classified as two subtypes. Periodontal abscess A periodontal abscess is also known as a gum abscess. This occurs as resulting from an infection between the teeth and gums. It occurs wherein food and debris are caught in midst of the teeth. In the event wherein there is a bacteria buildup in bone below the gums, the disorder may be more severe. Periapical abscess A periapical abscess implies a tooth related abscess. It occurs within the tooth. In the event wherein the tooth’s nerve is dying or dead, the infection occurs. It is initially visible close to the tooth’s root. It may then spread to the surrounding tissue or bone. Dental abscesses do not heal by themselves. If one goes for treatment for a dental abscess, they may still grow for months or years, and take the same duration to heal. There are cases wherein dental abscesses are not too painful. But the disorder is characteristically painful, so people seek treatment for the same with an immediate…
The Importance Of Testosterone
Testosterone is a hormone very mentioned by people for its association with masculinity, although few know the importance of this hormone for the organism and what are the functions that it exerts. What is the role of testosterone in the body? This hormone is essential since we are in the womb, the production of this hormone can initially determine the sexual formation of the fetus in the womb, the higher is more likely to form a child, otherwise a girl would be formed. The reason why this hormone is called the male hormone is because men and many male characteristics are a direct product of the effects that this hormone produces, such as; The development of depth in the voice, the growth of facial hair, and the development of the penis and testicles in adolescence. It is also the hormone responsible for improving the production, quality and movement of sperm, when a man has female features, little facial hair, etc., it is said that he has a low production of testosterone, on the other hand, those women who have a deep voice, facial hair, or a lot of muscular strength, is likely to have a high production of testosterone. Testosterone is also associated with sexual behavior and especially with male sexual behavior, as it is responsible for arousing libido or sexual desire in both sexes, hence men have more sexual appetite than women. The metabolism is influenced by testosterone in a positive way since it activates it and therefore increases the burning of body fat and promotes the healing of tissues. What is Testosterone? In scientific terms, testosterone is an androgynous steroid harmone”. /structural-coupling-of-of-hermaphrodism-and-the-androgynous/”>androgynous steroid harmone</a> formed by 19 carbon atoms and found in Leydig cells of the testis and ovaries, in mammalian, reptile and bird species, controlled mainly by the…
Dealing With An Emotionally Abusive Spouse During A Divorce
Almost half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce or separation, and though many of these marriages end in amicable terms, some couples aren’t so lucky. Sometimes, a once well-mannered spouse will transform into a relentless bully. What makes this kind of bullying worse is that your ex knows your deepest fears and insecurities, making it easier for them to push your buttons. Bullying in a divorce can manifest in different ways. Your partner could lie about past incidents or blow things out of proportion to make you look bad. They could isolate you from friends and family, or threaten to take full custody of the children and keep you away from them. They could turn into a cyberbully, harassing you on social media or over email. Dealing with an abusive partner in a divorce can take a significant toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Thankfully, the situation isn’t unsalvageable. If you take the time to understand how you can handle an abusive partner, you can make the divorce more bearable. Turn To A Support System Divorcing a bully is a harrowing task, but having the right people around you can make it easier. Your support system will consist of professionals, like a lawyer and other consultants, as well as emotional support like your friends and family to keep you mentally balanced. Knowing that you have a group of people who have your back will make a world of a difference on especially bad days. Keep A Record Of The Abuse When you’re a victim of bullying, it’s easy to feel helpless and fall into despair. But you can stand up for yourself by taking note of your partner’s abusive behavior, recording every single detail. Take note of the date and time, how the abuse occurred, and be as detailed as you…
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