Starting Divorce – What Initial Steps to Take
Fear of the unknown can make the early stage of divorce scary. Juggling child care, finances and the uncertainty of the outcome adds to one’s stress. Getting expert legal advice at the onset can allay some of these fears and make the divorce process smoother. Acknowledge that your world is drastically changing. Hold on to some rituals, such as weekly hikes with pals or a pint with your mates. My sons and I had pizza with a DVD every Friday evening all through my divorce. Having routines gives a constancy during divorce when life is so unpredictable. Realize what you have control over and what is out of your hands in your divorce situation. Concentrate on what you have in your power, such what you do on the job, rather than what is not – your spouse’s behaviour.One may receive or have to pay a fixed amount of maintenance. That may appear to be a financial issue that cannot change. However you can control your spending which then frees up extra cash. One way to control legal fees is going to Paradigm Family Law’s web site and checking out their fixed price packages for divorce. Knowing what your divorce will cost prevents an unpleasant surprise down the road. During our collaborative one, our financial advisor mandated that we write down our expenditures for a fortnight. This information helped me to cut out the unnecessary ones and come up with a down payment for my new house. If on a tight budget, involve the children with their input on how to cut costs. My sons suggested some great family activities which were free, such as concerts, festivals, picnics and more. If your divorce seems to be moving too quickly or you feel your world is collapsing, take a short break to…
Tips for Women Over Fifty Getting a Divorce
Different decades have their unique concerns when it comes to divorce. Women over fifty are caught between wanting liquid assets that will help them start their new life, yet receiving enough in retirement funds. Consider consulting with your own financial advisor who will look over all that is on the financial table. They will assist in determining what is the most advantageous split for you or come up with several options. They can meet with your solicitor to ensure you three are on the same page. A house may look like a £400, 000 asset, but in reality be worth half of that, if there is still a mortgage on it. I opted for cash in order to pay down the mortgage on my new house. Now that retirement is looming closer on the horizon, that may not have been the best decision. In divorce, a tax expert may be brought on board to assess what the tax consequences are for various investments and pension plans. Some are taxed upon withdrawing funds and others are not. If two accounts are valued at £ 20,000 and one will have a tax to be paid, then dividing these between spouses is not an even distribution. Now days, the trend is to have maintenance paid for a shorter period of time, perhaps a few years. Or there may be a clean break where assets are split and both walk away from the marriage without any future payments. If one spouse owns a business, then an expert may be brought in to value it. This is trickier when it is service related and there is not much inventory. The other spouse would receive less compensation than if there was pricey equipment or stock. During the chaos of divorce proceedings, one may be in survival…
How to Enjoy a Sober St. Patrick’s Day
Feel like everybody but you is going to drink alcohol this St. Patrick’s Day? It may seem like you’re the only sober person left in your city – or heck, even your country – but that’s simply not the case. In fact, just 20% of adults of adults plan to consume alcoholic beverages on St. Patrick’s Day. Even if your entire family or group of friends typically down brewskies on March 17th, there are plenty of ways you can enjoy this holiday while remaining sober. From documenting the night for pals to transporting folks around town, here are 4 ways to have a blast this St. Patrick’s Day without consuming adult beverages. Become a Designated Driver Approximately 1 out of 3 driving-related deaths involve alcohol. If you don’t want your loved ones to become part of that statistic, offer to drive them to and from their St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans. You don’t have to actually attend the events with them unless you’re comfortable doing so; you can bring a book or electronic device and wait in the vehicle until they’re ready to leave. Want to make some extra cash while you transport intoxicated passengers? Apply to drive for services such as Lyft or Uber. Photograph Pals Stay busy during St. Patty’s Day festivities if you want to avoid the urge to drink alcoholic beverages. One way to do this is by grabbing your camera or smartphone and following your friends around as they engage in drunken adventures. Avoid taking photos of anything that may embarrass them or make them uncomfortable the next day, like if they’re throwing up in a potted plant or falling down drunk in the street. Arrive Prepared You may find it easier to decline offers for alcoholic drinks if you bring your own beverage with you. Some…
Having a More Positive Attitude in Divorce
During and after divorce it is easy to slip into negativity. Lives are changing with a dip in finances and time spent with the children. Dwelling in what is not working out can blind you to what is going right in your life. People that do not move on after divorce, can build a wall around themselves which keeps others away. How a Positive Attitude in Divorce is Beneficial Various studies have indicated that people who were more positive about what lies ahead were less likely to have ailments. Web MD found that “People who have a positive attitude during stressful events are 22% less likely to have a fatal or non-fatal heart attack than those who hold negative attitudes.” The Mayo Clinic discussed the health benefits of optimism – seeing some positives including in stress-full situations. Some of these are “greater resistance to the common cold”, less cardiovascular issues and decreased risk of depression. The Dalia Lama states “Unhealthy attitudes disturb the body. The body/mind relationship affords ample proof that human health depends on positive feelings.” Surround Yourself with Positive People Choose to be surrounded by positive people. One attracts friends who are like them. Being negative is like a magnet which draws others with negative attitudes to you. These pessimists may forecast gloomy outcomes for your divorce or hold you back by focusing on obstacles to success. I had a divorced friend who was concentrating on what was not working out in my divorce. I would change the subject and she did not get the hint. My son finally told her bluntly to stop talking about divorce. She eventually drifted away when I refused to discuss the negatives. I surrounded myself with upbeat people who are still my cheerleaders today. One’s outlook is how they see the world…
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