10 Tips for Getting Through Thanksgiving When Alone
Thanksgiving can be a challenging time especially when going through a divorce or newly widowed. You may be undecided whether to crawl under your covers or do something more social. If you are experiencing grief, it compounds the situation. If your children are spending the holiday with your ex, then it can be an extra sad time. Thanksgiving can be easier if you stay busy.
1. See if there is a singles’ group in your town or church who may be getting together on this day. My local MeetUp. com group is meeting at a fun restaurant for a Thanksgiving Day lunch. This is especially nice when you don’t have the cash or time to travel across the country to be with your family.
2. My sons and I started our new tradition of going to a movie before our feast at home during my divorce. We watch the Macy’s Day Parade, then have a latte near the cinema and see a much anticipated movie. Choose new rituals for this day. It may be breakfast out and then TV and a hike. New traditions may include friends. See what fits for you.
3. Many people volunteer on this day and say they get so much more back than they give. Classic volunteering is cooking or serving at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. There are other options. Remember animals still need to be fed, loved and have their cages cleaned at an animal shelter, etc.
4. Go to a restaurant or an upscale grocery store and eat their ready made food at their community table on Thanksgiving. My former boss goes to Whole Foods and eats turkey while enjoying talking to the others.
5. Shake up your day by having a breakfast feast at a restaurant and then veg out in front of the TV. You can do your normal rituals, perhaps in a different order.
6. Have your traditional Thanksgiving Feast, but in a different environment. If you live in a more tropical area, consider a picnic.
7. Take a trip somewhere, possibly out of the country. If you are on a group tour, there will be camaraderie and a special holiday menu. Or maybe go to a culture that does not celebrate this holiday and do something totally different. This may be the time for your Spa break. I’ve had seafood near the ocean on a Thanksgiving beach vacation.
8. Have an adventure. Book a trip with Outward Bound or some other outdoor company. Being in nature will recharge your batteries, while distracting you with physical challenges.
9. Remember it is just one day. Get a jump start on writing your Christmas cards or planning your Christmas list.
10. Go through a pile of magazines or save a best-seller book for this day. If you are staying home, pick up a delectable treat the day before. Recently read that Thanksgiving as we know it, will be gone in about 5 years, since it is another shopping day already.
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