Divorce Changes Friendships
Divorce shakes up friendships and you may be surprised at who leaves and who remains. Tips on what to expect and how to deal with relationships through this transition. Divorce is a transition which means a change in many aspects of life. One of these areas is relationships, particularly with friendships. Divorce is a time to reevaluate these friendships to see if they are still beneficial or have run their course. Pals that have stuck by you through thick and thin may no longer be as supportive and it is better to not be taken by surprise. If someone is really your friend they will stick around. If they do not, is that a person you really want in your life? Divorce gets rid of these dead branches and allows new growth (friendships) to appear.
Miranda met someone in her women’s group and they clicked right away. They became close friends and had frequent lunches together. Carolyn was right there when Miranda had two miscarriages and they later got to know each other’s children. Once in a while their husbands attended birthday and holiday parties. Miranda confided about her stressful marriage and eventual divorce proceedings. Miranda also shared with Carolyn, recently revealed abuse that prevented overnight visitation. She was shocked and her sons upset when Carolyn stated several times that she loved both Miranda and her ex and would support them both. In abuse situations, this is not a helpful thing to say to children in therapy or to a longtime friend. Carolyn refused to take sides and that friendship withered away.
People whom you assumed were close, may choose to side with your former partner. Grieve for this loss in your life and the heartache. As you move on, you may see how shallow these people really are.
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