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Reviving Marriage Before Heading for Divorce

  1. IMG_1834Does your marriage feel like a prison sentence? Boredom and being in a rut can make a marriage seem dull and lifeless. Before ending it, see if it can be revived. Several couples took up golf together with the added bonus of improving their game in foreign locales. See if you can build upon a common interest – plus it gives you both something to talk about. Some couples have bought a holiday home and renovating it reignited the spark in their marriages.
  2. Go out to a neutral place, such as a café and have a respectful conversation about your feelings. Use “I” statements, “I feel…” without blame or accusations. Intently listen to his responses and what he feels could be changed in your marriage.
  3. Sometimes people rely too much on their spouse for companionship and to meet their social needs. The happiest couples I know each have some individual pursuits and interests outside of their relationships. Consider widening your social network through such groups as MeetUp.com to enrich your life and to see if this improves your marriage.
  4. Take a vacation together to provide time to talk in a pleasant atmosphere. It may be easier to have structured group time, such as being on a tour or cruise. Then there is a balance between interacting with others and having alone time. Getting away from your routines and environment, plus having a lot to talk about can realign a relationship.
  5. Please read more   http://www.splitsville.com/love/10-steps-take-significant-choosing-divorce/?utm_content=buffercaf6f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer


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