Post-Divorce, Spend Time vs Money On Your Children
Divorce takes up a lot of time – preparation, getting records together and the proceedings itself. It can be easier to buy X-Box games or toys to keep your children occupied while you focus on your divorce. Buying expensive stuff is a way to assuage your guilt, but is not what kids need in this chaotic period. Their world is changing and what they require is your extra attention. Take time to stop what you are doing and make eye contact to be fully present with them. Give them undivided attention daily, even if in short bursts. Ask them open ended questions to facilitate communication and encourage the little ones to express their feelings. There is an ongoing debate about quality vs quantity of time spend with your youngsters. Various studies suggest it is quality which is more important. Many parenting experts disagree and claim it is quantity that matters in the long run. Hang out with your kids even if doing separate activities as the close proximity is beneficial. I tend to be in the middle where we have special family activities, but also do our own thing nearby each other. Doing errands and chores together counts as spending time with your sons and daughters. Consider having a routine where you have scheduled events. It may be a picnic in the park every Thursday in the summer, or excursions to the ice cream shop. My sons and I enjoyed pizza while watching DVDs one night a week year-round. When my sons reminisce about our new lives post-divorce, it is not about any gadgets, but rather our family togetherness. Children understand more than we give them credit for – and can come up with low cost fun. Like other families we knew, my boys and I also enjoyed playing board…
Dating Again After a Break Up or Divorce
Consider letting the ink dry first on your divorce decree before jumping into the dating scene. Some guys start dating during divorce and bring old issues into new relationships. Take a breather after your divorce to make sure you are truly over it and ready to move forward.
Reasons to Consider Entering into a Prenuptial Agreement
Reasons to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement Prenuptial agreements, often known as prenups, are not (yet) legally binding in the UK, but they are legally relevant. Based on a 2010 ruling, divorce courts will accept prenups as valid, provided that both parties entered them willingly and understood their implications, unless there is a particular reason why it would be unreasonable to enforce them in any particular situation. As the prenup is between the two individuals entering a marriage/civil partnership, it is entirely distinct from the obligation to support any children arising from the union. Prenups have moved out of the celebrity world and into the mainstream Celebrity prenups (or the lack thereof) have long been fodder for the gossip columns but over recent years they have moved into the world the rest of us live in. While they are commonly associated with situations in which couples have widely different financial values, they can also be used to draw lines in the sand in other situations, for example to highlight anything one of the parties considers a personal possession which they would like to keep in the event of a divorce/dissolution. Setting this out up front can be easier than trying to reach an agreement in the potentially heated atmosphere of a couple parting ways. Realistically, failure is an option Around one third of marriages end in divorce, which means that even though the odds of success are still on your side, the odds of failure are high enough to deserve to be taken seriously. Even though the UK has yet to implement the concept of “no faults divorce” in the real world, divorce/dissolution can come about for reasons which have nothing to do with fault. People make mistakes and sometimes couples can agree amicably that their marriage…
Travelling with Children Post-Divorce as a Single Parent
Travelling with children as a single parent can be challenging, however there are tricks to making it go smoother. If being used to having another adult helping out (your former spouse), consider enlisting a replacement. My mother was the “granny nanny” and accompanied my two sons and I on many of our global adventures. She escorted a tired child back to the ship or watched the boys play in a park while I hit a few shops. Select destinations according to the ages of the children. Wee ones enjoy playing in the sand and staying put in one place. A condo at a beach or cabin at a lake fills this need nicely. Older ones crave adventure or exploring ruins like Indiana Jones. Think about a place that would be enjoyable for every family member. For example, many families where I reside, go to Costa Rica. One can take a leisurely stroll in the rainforest with a toddler, or have teens zip-lining through it. There are beaches for relaxing and museums for culture. Amusement parks, such as Disneyland, satisfies kids of all ages. See what travel deals you can get to make trips more affordable. Several divorced parents advise going to all-inclusive resorts. The youngsters partake in fun sports or classes which enables mom or dad to have some free time. It is one price for food, lodging and many of the offered activities. My friend liked to take her two sons to a Club Med, some which have circus classes for children. While her boys were dangling from ropes or on the trapeze, she was sipping a rum cocktail on the beach. There are various travel companies which offer special tours for families. One has safaris to Africa where the youngsters meet with a chief to learn about tribal…
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